What are you doing and what would you rather be doing, right now?

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Sep 28, 2007
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Me: At Work - rather, at home working on my man
right now: In my dorm

rather be: at home working on MY man. (or just painting...hahaha. just loved that phrase...and had to agree!)

Today is a crappy day for me... I'm doing laundry, writing my bf's paper for school, (no clue why i'm doing this.) and trying to clean my room. I have to go to work for 5, and then come back to finish the paper.

I just want to be sleeping... I feel like I'm getting a cold.

At work, thinking aboout stuff, so I'm also checking for PMs. I'd rather be surfing, if no surf, dressing up and playing with makeup!

Im home sick and I would rather be on a Island laying in the sun and having a cocktail

I'm at work right now...blah!!!

I'd rather be on a shopping spree in some exotic place with a sexy ass boyfriend to hold all my bags...LMAO

Originally Posted by MissBGlam /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm at home bored ass hell. I wish I was just somewhere else period!! Ditto!
where i am: at work putting together projections

where i'd rather be: at home napping on the sofa

ok, i'm on MuT, but i really need to work and i still have to figure out what to eat (it's idnner time here).

I'm at work BLECH!

I wish i was at the mall but i'd settle for a nap with my kitty girl Layla.

At work, "working," would rather be at home sitting in my sofa watching ANTM, missed it last night
munching on a double bacon cheeseburger followed by a stuffed cruzed pizza!

what I'm doing: working on a powerpoint presentation due next wednesday

what I'd rather be doing: having finished all my assignments, lying in the sun on a tropical beach with a caprioska. And, I'd still probably want to be on mut, lol

LOL, for a while I thought everybody here was horny...

Where I am, at work tryina tie up a project.

I'd rather be at home, in bed, or playin in my makeup

Right now, I'm checking the MuT boards while watching Grey's Anatomy. I wish that I were checking the MuT boards while watching Grey's Anatomy in a clean house, freshly showered with clean hair and freshly bathed dog. Maybe I'll just Tivo it, take care of my ****, and watch it once I'm finished.

Haha funny thread well I am at home bored and trying to organize stuff.

Id rather be home in Greece, or shopping at MAC with a pile of money, or I wish I could be spending the night with this guy Im totally crazy about
Gah the worst part is he likes me too, but hes TAKEN. Grrrrr!


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