What do you do when you're bored?

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I usually surf the net, spend money, then feel guilty about it - THEN do it all over again.

ummmm....i eat a lot when im bored, or get on here, talk to my daughters, read, makeup, write friends letters ah....or play my daughters bratz diamondz ps2 game! LOL

i love when im bored cos it gets you thinkin' what else there is to do.

usually i write down a list of things i can do. lol, i'm not sure it's helping, but i'm less bored. lol, and right now i managed to add a background image in my profile. yeepee, i finally understand something in CSS.

I like to surf the internet when I get bored. I also enjoy organizing my bath products, as well as my makeup when I have too much time on my hands...

i usually reorganize my closet, play with makeup, clean my makeup brushes! or try on clothes, etc...even some baking, thats always nice

read blogs

read message board

online "window shop"

play games

watch tv

take a nap


call someone

wonder about where my old friends are and what they're doing and why I lost touch with them!

Play with my children

wonder how I'm going to decorate this apartment I just moved into and if it would be silly to hire a decorator since we aren't living here long but I spend SO much time wondering what I'm going to do that it's a WASTE and I should just go see a decorator already.

Play with my son, get on this site, OO and my fav I play with my makeup. I try new colors and stuff.Its funny cause my BF will come home from work and see me with my face all done and in my pjs and say I think Mommy was bored again to my son.:11a:


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