What do you do with all your magazines?

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I chuck them at people and then I run like mad.

Actually, I keep the ones that I like and recycle the rest.

I am subscribed to a lot of magazines/catalogs. After I'm done with them I give them to my sister and then she does what she wants with them.

It all depends on the magazine.

-Sewing ones (like Burda or sewing world) I keep for future use.

-Cross Stitch ones get sorted out every so often, I cut out the charts I want to keep and recycle the rest.

-Science ones (like Focus or New Scientist) get taken into work for everyone to read at breaktimes.

I cut out everything I'd like to keep and throw the mags out to those paper recycling bins.

I used to keeps them all in milk crates organized by the issue's date. When I was 19 I realized I had magazines from when I was 12 and decided to recycle. Before I let them all go I looked through them. It's weird to look at the things I thought where so cool when I was younger. The good thing about keeping them was when I had to do those school collages I had tons of material to look through. My mom used to keep all her magazines too. We're two pack rat peas in a pod.

i cut out the stuff i like, like maybe a cute outfit or a makeup look i like, then i keep it in a binder so when i'm going out or something i look through and try a new look.

I keep them. I was bored yesterday so I counted. as of today, I have 1356 magazines and this number does not inculde the ones I take over to Chris's house.

I buy Cosmo alot.. i'm a faithful reader every month.

I usually keep them all until they pile up alot.. then i keep the ones with good stuff in them and throw out all the other ones..

I am subscribed to Elle and I get an In Touch each week. I am horrible - I just throw them away!! Sometimes I let them stack up or give them to friends...but I really need to start recycling LOL

I used to keep all of them! Then I realized that was silly--they really piled up, I subscribed to them all. So I started only keeping the Allures. Then I realized that trends and things change so often, so now I only keep an issue of any mag for a couple of months. Before I throw it out I tear out any pages that have something I'm interested in. I have folders that I keep these pages in. Some day I'll organize them by topic. Oh, one more thing before I throw them out. I give them to my 11-year old daughter because she loves to doodle in them and deface the models! :rotfl: Oh, but sometimes I'll keep a magazine forever, like that issue of Allure a several months back (August?) with Lindsay Lohan on the cover. It was all about Allure's history and how they have changed over the years. They have a funny article on the BAD advice they have given. And my favorite part, a section on the supermodels of the 90's. I still look through it often, it's nostalgic for me.

i put the articles i really want to save in page protectors in a large binder. i make collages with the pics i really like for inspiriation. just too many to keep them all.

I rip out the images and articles I like, store them in a book...then with the real heavy mags, I set them on fire an chase people with them.

I used to keep a whole bunch in a decorated wire trash can, but I ended up throwing them away. Now, when I get magazines or catalogs, I usually throw them away. (bad, I know! I should recycle!)
