What Do You Miss From Your Past?

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I miss my 74 SAAB Sonett III... That was a fun car....

I miss ice skating accross a frozen lake and then opening my jacket and letting the wind propel me back to the cottage..

I miss winters with 300+ inches of snow...

I miss taking a sauna and then running naked through the snow and jumping in the lake...

I really miss my parents... Being able to talk to them any time your down... Having someone that's proud of you no matter what you do...

Tissue please.............

I miss the times when my sister was able to walk and not be afraid to walk.

I miss all those good cartoons/shows on NICK and the cheesy ones like "Out of this World" and "Power Rangers".

I miss going to school in San Francisco and all the random field trips we went on.

I miss my ex-friend Natalie and wish she spoke to me still.

I miss when my dad use to be more social and we actually had family gatherings and dinners at our house.

I miss low gas prices.

But everything lead to place I am now, and I'm pretty happy now - no major stress in I dunno how long!

I miss having free time. Between kids and the job, there's very little free time. I hate that my life is so scheduled.

I miss not being exhausted. Two of my sons have significant handicaps and there's a lot of work involved in taking care of them. One of my sons doesn't sleep very well so I'm up at least once and often 2 or 3 times per night. I'm pretty tired most of the time.

I miss being young and feeling like my life is all in front of me. I know there are advantages to being older and I should appreciate what my experiences have taught me, but so often, I'm so jealous of people in their 20s.

i miss elementary school and actually going to school and not having to worry about anything or anyone

I miss my pre-baby body.

I miss all the ride or die homies I had when I was stationed in Alaska.

I miss Ren and Stimpy.

when i didnt have to worry about bills or rent or really anything else aside from what barbie was gonna wear to the prom.

I miss my childhood Summers and getting so excited about it.

I miss my old neiborhood. It got REALLY bad.

I miss hanging out with all of my friends (everyone is married and/or has kids)

I miss my dad. He lives far from me now. He used to live super close.

I miss snow

I miss not having to have a job

I miss not having to pay bills

I miss 1.97 gas!!

Great thread!

I miss all my cousins 3 girls /three boys

we used to build forts out of tree branches and sit in it and drink tea and eat cookies our Mom's made for us

I miss the feeling of sitting in a hospital with a brand new baby

I miss my childhood when their was no stress.

I miss seen my parents together before they divorced

I miss my old friends, they dislike me passionately now (and I am not happy with them at all either) but I do miss them.

I miss having another adult in the house, be nice to have RL adult company and conversation occasionally.

The blue Mickey Mouse slip on shoes I had when I was little. They were so awesome, but I grew out of them so my mom threw them out. I was so pissed.

I miss everything about my childhood... no worries, no responsabilities, no bills, playing with my siblings, watching cartoons, family roadtrips and even school...

some of my old friendships that are not the same because of the distance and time that passed.. I don't have friends like this now... sigh.
I miss my childhood days when my dad was still nice to me.

I miss being able to eat the worst junk and not worry about how bad it is for my health. I´d love to have the motivation to eat healthy all the time.

I miss being able to do Tequila shots all night long. Seriously, those are cheap!

I miss those times when kissing a boy (and nothing more than kissing) was enough to keep you daydreaming for weeks. And I miss the butterflies you´d get from random buy slightly touching your hand

I miss the fact that I used to not worry so much about the future. I was more carefree back then


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