What has made the most dramatic difference in your skin?

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Originally Posted by han since your skin is healthy exfoiliate and moisturize to much might not be good less is more I agree.
I find that being consistent with my skin care (I use Jan Marini), drinking water, sleep, decent nutrition, etc. helps more than anything. I was one of those who would 'occassionally' trip in at the wee hours and plop into bed without taking off my make-up. I NEVER do that anymore. I've also had to resort to a little microdermabrasion to help with some sun damage from when I was younger.

Lots of water, keep your skin clean and mosturized. My most important thing is sunscreen. I wear a spf 30 everyday, even if I am not going anywhere at all.

Drinking plenty of water and using Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish every day has made a huge difference to my skin.

Me too, I used benzoyl peroxide on my acne which works better than salicylic acid for me

Originally Posted by LipglossQueen Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask; tightens pores, dries up spots/blackheads and your skin looks noticeably smoother, also exfoliating (Queen Helene Cocoa Butter Scrub). Ditto on the Mint Julep Mask and drinking plenty of water. I always have a container of cold water by my side. This keeps me from drinking sodas and constantly keeps my system flushed of toxins.
Mary Kay's TimeWise

Mary Kay's Mask (Revitalizing)

Mary Kay's Microbrasion

But I wash my face 3-4 times a day

More info on my skin in my notepad

It got rid of all my pimples

C.O Bigelow Extra-Lite Face Lotion with SPF15 - it keeps my face matte and this in turn leads to no more breakouts.

Hi, i think products like Loreal Renoviste is good for skin over 35 and also using a micro scrub like Loreal's refinish is good as they do actually make a difference to the skin,. You could use any peels or micro scrub, Avon has some fab products for women of all ages and their formulations seem to be pretty advanced.

I think Renova. It's available only through a dermatologist, an anti-aging type of Retin-A. It has really helped clear up blotchiness on my skin, diminish my pore size and fine lines. If you use it,always remember to wear a sunscreen of SPF30(it makes the skin hypersensitive to burning.)Because it can be drying,I alternate it every other night with the moisturizer Kinerase, which I like too.

Hi - the 3 biggest things for me which have completely transformed my skin - people ask me how my skin glows now, whereas before I had the most dull, rough, spot prone skin..

1. Clinique Turnaround - my HG, I noticed the glowing effect from the very first use, also really clarifies my skin

2. Liz Earle - Cleanse and Polish, and skin repair moisturiser

3. Aspirin masks - smooths out my skin, nips spots in the bud

Originally Posted by janetsbreeze i switched to using the oil cleansing method. What's an oil cleansing method?
Nothing has ever made a difference in my skin. it's aweful. but i keep trying.

Drinking water all the time and my Sensitive Skin Sunscreen spf 25 for my fair complexion

stable and high spf sunscreen, BHA treatments (I havent tried retinol yet), using creams and face wash without fragrance, using cosmetics for sensitive skin (even though mine is not hypersensitive, I think they have better forumlas).
I stopped using moisturizers. Made a HUGE difference. I used to have flawless skin, but when I turned 30 I panicked and started using high end moisturizers even though I don't have any wrinkles. I kept hearing how you need to start early with the moisturizers so that's what I did. It made a mess out of my face, all of the sudden I had acne problems, so I kept switching moisturizers because I also kept hearing if you got acne you really need to moisturize.

Well it got so bad that I went on Retin-A, which somewhat cleared up my skin but made it really dry and turned my face orange. Yes you read me right, ORANGE! So I had to get off that and switch to using BenzaClin, which didn't make my face orange and had decent effect on my acne, but it got my face so dry that it gave me wrinkles!

Finally I stopped all that and just used over the counter benzyl peroxide creams, but still had new breakouts. I kept switching moisturizers and even switch to using mineral makeup (I hate liquid foundation to begin with). My acne improved but I was still getting new zits. One day decided to just give it a rest and didn't put on moisturizer, I was reminded how wonderful it felt to just let my skin breath. So I decided to just put on the mineral foundation without moisturizer, kinda like dusting it on my face instead of giving it something to stick to. Guess what I found, my zits started going away and my face cleared up. Now I get a new pimple here and there but my face is pretty up on its way to its former glory.

So moral of the story, if you really worry about aging and wrinkles, do it when there's a real need. And limit the usage to areas that needs it, like around the eyes or mouth. Leave the rest of your face alone!


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