What if you'll need it later?

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Jan 5, 2013
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Ok so when I was at Target tonight I saw a Sonya Kashuk palette marked down to $10 (originally $20)  It had 2 blushes, a bronzer, and I think maybe 4 or 5 eyesahdows in this limited edition nice sleek palette.  It would be perfect for traveling.

I am on a low buy.  I can really use this when I take my college graduation vacation this late summer/ fall.  I don't want to pack a ton of makeup and I thought this would be great all in one kit.  The thing is that it is so far away and I have not saved a cent for this trip as of yet.  I do need to save $2500 for the trip, which I am allowing myself to shop during the trip.

I did not get the palette but I was torn about this for a while.  I am ok with my choice...but I'd like to hear someone's second opinion logic.

I buy cosmetics and personal care products on sale + with coupons, so if I can get something really cheap, I buy it, because I know I'll use it, and then when I need it I won't have to pay full-price. That's how I have 46 foundations:) I only use one of everything at a time, so my entire make-up collection is "back-ups". It does get tricky though. I do have the palette that you're talking about, and it is a great palette, but good for you for being able to resist.

I have made my existing  make up collection like that too, "buy when you see something good on sale". I am very happy I did that because now I am living in a relatively remote area ( I know there is always internet one can shop but I always prefer buying from stores when make up is concerned) where there is little opportunity to buy make up unless you take the car and drive to city. In addition to that I am currently not working because I have a 14 month old and expecting another. So I tell myself I should not buy make up cos I do not have any personal income and I dont want to spend the money my husband is earning for make up,especially when I have a little more than I need. I have always enjoyed these little colored things and now I am enjoying what I already have in stock.

Hm this is tricky, my collection is big enough that there is no "need it later" risk lol, with the exception of foundation. I'd say if you don't have anythign this compact, get it, but don't open it until your trip, and don't buy any more back up "travel size" type things.

I've come to the conclusion that cosmetics are pretty much always on sale, so there's no reason to "stock up" in advance of actually running through what you have. Plus what you like or want now may not be what you like or want in six months.

Yeah, that was my logic as well with sales, discounts, bonus points... Yet I always seem to buy when I need it, sale or no sale.

I admire your resistance!  I am too often tempted by the gift with purchases or the great Christmas deals at Ulta and Sephora.  I have makeup still in plastic from Christmas 2011!  I did manage to resist this year, though.  

I think you were smart to resist this particular one.  I do travel quite a bit and I have bought many, many makup travel kits.  But reasonably, packing two eye shadows and a blush and bronzer just doesn't take up that much room.  Better to take things that you really like rather than take things that may take up a little less space and weight, but aren't your favorites.  Save that space by packing one less blouse.  I always find I take too much clothing traveling!

Oh, speaking of clothing for your trip - if you have some items you really love but they are just about to give up, save the for the trip.  I do that with my things - I take them on one last fun vacation and then leave them.  Frees up more space in my luggage for souveniors to bring home and means I have great photos in dresses or tops that I really loved. 

Keep savin' and have a great trip!

Originally Posted by Relique /img/forum/go_quote.gif  I do need to save $2500 for the trip, which I am allowing myself to shop during the trip.

I did not get the palette but I was torn about this for a while.  I am ok with my choice...but I'd like to hear someone's second opinion logic.
Take the money you would have spent on the palette and put it in a 'trip piggybank'. Do this every time you resist makeup (or other) temptation and you'll have that $2500 saved before you know it!


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