What is your view on heat and hair?

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May 18, 2007
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Are you completely against using hot tools (curling irons, flat irons, blow dryers) on your hair?

Are you addicted to them and can't get enough (every day?  Or every other day?) Couldn't leave the house without using them?

Do you use them in moderation?

I love how my hair looks after a blow out on high heat, and it's the only time I'm ever confident.  But I always feel guilty, like I'm damaging my hair.    I use it in moderation about 2 to 3 times per week.

While I know heat is bad, I definitely use it!! I have pretty curly frizzy hair and am prone to switch it up from blown out and ironed flat to diffusing the curls. I will even do the wavy loose look with the flat iron..I know ridiculous, but love the volume and look lol. I'm guilty of several times a week, using heat styling tools. That said, I'm rigorous in using heat protectors on my strands, too.

Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif

While I know heat is bad, I definitely use it!! I have pretty curly frizzy hair and am prone to switch it up from blown out and ironed flat to diffusing the curls. I will even do the wavy loose look with the flat iron..I know ridiculous, but love the volume and look lol. I'm guilty of several times a week, using heat styling tools. That said, I'm rigorous in using heat protectors on my strands, too.
Same here for sure!  But I question how well heat protectors really "protect" from 350 to 450 degree heat lol.

Absolutely agree! We're still damaging our hair.. I tend to keep the heat under 400 degrees. My hair fries, even with protectors at anything over 350.

In my job, heat is absolutely essential and I mean the 450F kind. Time is always against us and the highest heat setting means the faster the style and the quicker they get to set. 

I remember a few years ago I was on a tv series and the two girl leads had to have their hair flat ironed 3 to 4 times a day everyday (because of the characters they played). They had three hairstyles for 2 seasons: Straight and tightly braided, and one had a long bob. And those three styles changed 3 to 4 times a day (due to the type of shooting we were doing) And every night at wrap, they actually hated, hated us touching their hair, that they were almost in tears due to the heavy toll their scalp was taking by being pulled all the time.

At the time I didn't blame them, as the hair and make-up process was actually really torturous for them because of so many changes in a day that had to happen to them. Near the end of the 1st season they just didn't see us at wrap anymore for removal, they just went back to their hotel.

Unfortunately, the UPM  and Series Exec. had no sympathy for them and demanded that they suck it up or they would be fined thousands of dollars a day for contract breaches because they complained to them to make the H/M process less demanding on them, which didn't happen. And there is nothing worse than having a seething bitter young woman in your chair every morning at 4:30am complaining every second about the process.

When the series finally wrapped, they both cut their hair into bobs, due to scalp stress and the damage done to their hair by all heat and products we layered in there.

Interestingly enough, we burned out 4 irons in two seasons.

In high school, I was hella rough on my hair flat ironing, blow drying, curling, SOMETHING with heat every single day. To make matters worse, I dyed or bleached my hair every month, and so with all of that piled together, I was left with a really awful mess. I haven't used heat on my hair in years, and I haven't dyed it either! It's been much, much better. I've gone back to my wavy, wild, frizzy mess, and my hair has been much, much better. Plus, I can get ready much more quickly now that I've cut out that part of my routine. 

I am fortunate enough to work from home so most days of the week, no one but my husband sees me.  So I can skip on the heat and style.  

However, when I do have to go in the office or have outside meetings, I have to use several heat products (curling irons, blow dryer, etc.)  I do dye my hair every 6 weeks (blonde) and have ended up with quite a mess.

I am working on taking better care of my hair (and skin for that matter).  The Alterna UV+ product we got in Birchbox is beyond awesome, I have not felt my hair this soft and manageable in a LONG time.

This summer has been relentlessly hot and humid here. As a result, I have straightened my hair once since June.

There is no point as my hair would just look poufy and the curl would come back in.

For me wanting to straighten my hair, I wish there was another way other than using a blow dryer and flat iron.

For those wanting to go curly, there are always curlers and rags, to avoid the heat damage.

My hair dryer has multiple heat settings - hot, warm and air only. Most times I just have it at air only. I don't use any other tools because my hair is straight.

I gave up my blow dryer and curling iron about 20 years ago and I have never needed a straightener. My hair is exceedingly fine and delicate so in order to get any length at all I have to baby it, and that includes no heat.

I rarely use it, other than for special occasions. I wash my hair in the evening, so I don't see the need for blow drying. Too lazy to straighten my hair and I just use rollers to loosely curl my hair if I'm in the mood!

My chi broke (the on/off switch melted! :-O ) and I've really had to figure out the best way to style my hair which is thicker/coarser and can frizz out but I don't have a lot of it (I blame it from having kids haha). I blow dry my side bangs and a bit by my crown and then let it mostly air dry.. When its still slightly damp i take the top crown section and twist it and then pin it. Then I divide the bottom part in the middle and twist each section away from my face and either put into buns or just keep twisting as i finish getting read and I'm able to get my hair to have some loose waves and look good.

I am drying to try a Product like the Bumble and Bumble surf spray to see if it helps.. I also saw a 'recipe' on pinterest to make your own spray but I wonder if the salt in it would be too drying for my colored hair. Any thoughts??

I cannot wear my hair straight without a straightener.  But I now straigten once a week or less and my hair has been healthier.  I use curl gel now on the other days. 

I don't have anything AGAINST heat products, I just don't use them.

But I have to add--I'm very much a minimalist when it comes to my hair. I've had variations on the same cut (with only a couple of exceptions) for the past 25 or so years (Not that there is anything particularly dated about a mid-length deep-layered shag). Because I've had this very basic cut (which I find to be the most versatile for my hair anyway) for so long, I've gotten to the point where I can do most things I'd want without needing heat products. If I want it straighter, I just pin it back and let the weight and various products take out most of the curl. If I want it curlier, I use my "pool noodles" over night. Either way, heat is rarely necessary. Maybe it helps that I don't LIKE the way my hair looks when it has been ironed and it rarely needs curling...PROPER air-drying works so well for me that I've become a creature of habit (laziness).

as much as possible i try to avoid using blow dryer becasue it's bad for the hair. I prefer to let my hair dry on its own. i don't comb my hair until it's dry and I noticed it has the same effect when blow drying. No fly away hair. =)

I've never regularly used heat on my hair. Very rarely I will flat iron it, but I am blessed with curly hair that works for me and is easy to make look nice without heat. Very rarely I will diffuse it, but only on cool, heat makes curly hair frizz. I also don't like the way my hair looks flat ironed, so I always end up curling it with a curling iron after I flat iron it and that is just ridiculous.


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