What. The. Crap. [Kind of long post, sorry.]

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Aug 17, 2007
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There's something on my face, and I don't know what the **** it is. Or how to get rid of it.

It's BIG. It's RED. It's a ****ing pimple. But wtf.

It's HUUUGE. Red. Hurts. Hasn't come to a head.

****ing huge. Like, bigger then the flat end of a pencil eraser.

Is it a nodule? WTF is a nodule? How do I get rid of it???

I'm seeing my boyfriend in six days, do you think it'll at least go down by then?

And how the **** do I conceal this ****? It's kinda oily. And I can't go to Sephora this week so is there anything I can buy at Walmart that'll cover it?

I've been layering foundation over it and it doesn't really help. I mean, it covers it up but then it looks like ****. =/

HEEEELP. I ****ing hate this thing. As if my skin wasn't bad enough... I've been in my room ALL DAY because I'm afraid to even let my parents see *IT*.

I've been zapping it with my Zeno COUNTLESS TIMES today, layered 10% Benzoyl Peroxide vanishing cream [by clearasil] on it, and cut a piece of a stridex pad and just put it on top of the THING until the pad dried out.

Is what I'm doing making it worse??? HELP, I'm just so ashamed of it, I want to go to the store but I'm afraid to because of it, and I've even had experiences in the past and my dad made fun of me back then and I'll STFU cause this isn't the advice corner.

I just don't know what to do.

...I told you that it'll be a long post, haha.

I don't think that what you're doing is wrong, it could be helping but this is what i would do

I would leave off foundation for a few days until it seemed to be going down.

I would press a cool washcloth on it to reduce redness before going out

not play with it

if you feel like it is really far under the skin, then you can ask your dr to give you some stuff to get rid of it.. i had/have one that is like a massive empty hole under my skin that fills up and looks gross, and the dr gave me some hardcore drugs to get rid of it from the inside

if it keeps getting bigger go to the dr, otherwise, keep putting the zit stuff on it, leave off the foundation and try not to poke it too much

Good luck! I'm sure your bf thinks you're beautiful regardless of 'it' lol.

First off....it sounds like a touch of cystic acne. You DON'T want to squeeze it, you could get a worse infection. It also sounds like your overtreating which could lead to a nice red scab. My advice....treat it with one benzoyl or salcylic product and put a bit of concealer on it for day.

That's it.

CRAP, I forgot there was no cursing here. Sorry about all those stars. D=

@PinkSugar: Thanks, I'll talk to my mom about that tomorrow. Only problem is my dad will have to come and I just want him to screw off. D=

@BeneBaby: Mm, okay... but what about concealer? I tried one before, but it was all liquidy and really annoying to put on...... would that still hold on to the pimple or would it melt away? because it's oily.

You can cuss. It's fine. *****

Sounds like what I had a month ago... it was a mega zit. Like it was about to give birth. But no head formed. I did the naughty thing, poked at it and I still have the scar from it - even tho it's fading - it's still um... there

So, no pokey! And do what Manders (Benebaby) says - seems the most logical thing to do.

Welcome to my world LOL.

What your doing right now, is probably your best bet, I know benzoyl peroxide for me really does the trick... have you tried ACV? (apple cider vinegar) I had a huge CYST on my forehead a few days ago, and today its pretty much flattened, I just pour some STRAIGHT on a cottonball and swipe the areas which have a lot of acne.

I also used to get deep cysts on my chest and back, if you go to your derm, they have whats called a cortisone shot, and they inject into your cyst and it kills it a lot faster. I have done that a few times and it seemed to work pretty well.

Also, like everyone else said DO NOT TOUCH IT. You will make it worse if you do!

I really think you should just use one spot treatment and leave it alone.

mix ur concealer with ur spot treatment and apply it..it will comuflage the pimple as wel as treat it !

Originally Posted by Bombheart /img/forum/go_quote.gif CRAP, I forgot there was no cursing here. Sorry about all those stars. D=
@PinkSugar: Thanks, I'll talk to my mom about that tomorrow. Only problem is my dad will have to come and I just want him to screw off. D=

@BeneBaby: Mm, okay... but what about concealer? I tried one before, but it was all liquidy and really annoying to put on...... would that still hold on to the pimple or would it melt away? because it's oily.

Use a thicker concealer. Laura Mercier makes an amazing one called Secret Camoflague. Also blot the pimple with an oil absorbing sheet first and the apply concealer. Good Luck Sweets..I know how frustrating that can be!!
It might also be some kind of boil. There is drawing salve you can buy at the drugstore, which is gross, but it'll bring it to a head and then it'll pop and heal faster and cleaner. Good luck!

If it's really red, Visine will take the red out. Diluted ACV is the best to kill the bacteria. Mostly you have to wait it out and keep others from forming. Change your pillowcase 3-4 times a week, keep your hair off of your face, etc. Good luck

Thanks everyone, ya'll are really helping. =)

Never heard of a drawing salve before... definitely will see if they sell that at my walmart, thanks.


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