What was the turning point of your life?

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Jun 8, 2006
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I think mine started when I was 17, standing at the grand canyon, and came to accept some very hard times I'd gone through...and really, in my mind, said goodbye to my good friends I'd lost that year.

It ended when I was 18, at my graduation, and thinking that you never let your past dictate your future...and I moved on with my life.

I'm assuming I'll have more to come!

What about you?

I don't know, I think I had many turning points.

I'll have to think on this and come back

the first one was when my mom died i knew that i need t otake charge on thing

the second was to brake up with a guy after almost 9 years

and the thired to find a job

well they all conected

and now ill need to find a new job so i guss that will turn things too

hope for the best

I am not sure I have had a "hardcore" turning point yet. But I feel one on the horizon....

edit- crap this is long!!! i just looked at it, sorry!

I TOTALLY know my turning point. i had always been a very hard partier, and was totally engulfed in the SF to LA to Vegas club scene (although i tried to be discreet about it to my day job). and then i got engaged. well, it wasnt my engagement that changed my life, but the news two months later, the night of a big halloween party that we were supposed to go to, and get really really really crazy. blaze and i did a couples costume, i was the queen of clubs (which i had always wanted to do- that was my promoter title when i threw parties) and blaze was the king of diamonds (since he put one on my finger). well an hour before we were supposed to go, he looked at me and said, "jen- i think you need to take a pregnancy test". i wasnt even late. i was supposed to start in the next couple of days. well, after much fighting about it, i did, and it came out positive.

we had wanted kids right away and told everyone we were having our first one 9 months after the wedding date. but we did not plan on earlier... not after we had booked our wedding and placed deposits.

that night i swore at god, and cried my eyes out and i mean really really really yelled at god for not letting me have my wedding my way. i was very spiteful. that night i got really drunk, smoked a ton of cigarettes, and tried to numb myself from the hate i was feeling. (btw- this would be my last pack of cigarettes that i would ever buy again)

i wouldnt let blaze tell anyone until we spoke to our wedding coordinator. and when she said she could move the date, i started seeing everything a little more clear, and not so angry and life ending, started planning on making it work. we still had the big wedding and all that, planned for two months after my due date. maverick was born the week we had originally planned on getting married. he looked so freaking adorable in his little tuxedo. and i can honestly say that i cannot even remember what was so exciting about my life before him. i am completely opposite of that moment 3 years ago, it's crazy, and people who knew me then look at me weird and sometimes it makes me sad, but i know i have something so much more fulfilling in my life. partier versus suburban mom? mommy-hood, without a doubt. maybe if this had happened when i was younger or if i hadnt already done the things in my life that people say they regret not being able to do (i went to college, partied my butt off, traveled, and started my career)... and the things i havent done, well, lesson learned from my wedding, i can always plan around it.

I have 2. And they're both morbid.

The first was when I was 8 years old. Not a care in the world. I was at my grandmother's house on a Sunday in March, with my cousins. I heard my grandfather coughing and knew he was waking up (it was so early in the morning, grandmom was making breakfast and he had still been in bed), and started running to give him a hug when he collapsed. Everyone started screaming, and anyway....everyone left but me and my cousins (8, 7, and 5). My cousins were a wreck, I was the oldest of them all, and I had to make them feel better. My mom came home later that day and told me he died, but that I had be strong for everyone else. I very rarely cry now. If ever. It sucks, I kind of wish I could've been more of a kid and still be eating 6 Reese's cups every day like he always gave me.

Eh, I'll type up the other one later. Or maybe not. I might delete later.

i havent had a serious turning point but thinking of it now my life did change completely after i got engaged. i moved to a new town, for the first time in my life i have to work and do it every day, and from beeing a girl whos mother cleaned up after her i now have to clean every day and learned how to wash clothes and how to use an iron. and if thats not enough responsibility i have a puppy to look after, all things i never did before in my life.

kind of miss the laziness though and my parents.

When I found out I was pregnant with Cyera... But had been told 2 years earlier I'd never have kids... And again when I was told I only had a 60% chance of getting pregnant again after having surgery to remove a HUGE cyst... And three months later was pregnant with Kylie. That, and flipping my car straight into a ditch, and being fortunate enough to escape without even a broken bone. Those are all turning points for me... And I'm sure I'll have either another one in the future.

Originally Posted by brewgrl /img/forum/go_quote.gif edit- crap this is long!!! i just looked at it, sorry!
I TOTALLY know my turning point. i had always been a very hard partier, and was totally engulfed in the SF to LA to Vegas club scene (although i tried to be discreet about it to my day job). and then i got engaged. well, it wasnt my engagement that changed my life, but the news two months later, the night of a big halloween party that we were supposed to go to, and get really really really crazy. blaze and i did a couples costume, i was the queen of clubs (which i had always wanted to do- that was my promoter title when i threw parties) and blaze was the king of diamonds (since he put one on my finger). well an hour before we were supposed to go, he looked at me and said, "jen- i think you need to take a pregnancy test". i wasnt even late. i was supposed to start in the next couple of days. well, after much fighting about it, i did, and it came out positive.

we had wanted kids right away and told everyone we were having our first one 9 months after the wedding date. but we did not plan on earlier... not after we had booked our wedding and placed deposits.

that night i swore at god, and cried my eyes out and i mean really really really yelled at god for not letting me have my wedding my way. i was very spiteful. that night i got really drunk, smoked a ton of cigarettes, and tried to numb myself from the hate i was feeling. (btw- this would be my last pack of cigarettes that i would ever buy again)

i wouldnt let blaze tell anyone until we spoke to our wedding coordinator. and when she said she could move the date, i started seeing everything a little more clear, and not so angry and life ending, started planning on making it work. we still had the big wedding and all that, planned for two months after my due date. maverick was born the week we had originally planned on getting married. he looked so freaking adorable in his little tuxedo. and i can honestly say that i cannot even remember what was so exciting about my life before him. i am completely opposite of that moment 3 years ago, it's crazy, and people who knew me then look at me weird and sometimes it makes me sad, but i know i have something so much more fulfilling in my life. partier versus suburban mom? mommy-hood, without a doubt. maybe if this had happened when i was younger or if i hadnt already done the things in my life that people say they regret not being able to do (i went to college, partied my butt off, traveled, and started my career)... and the things i havent done, well, lesson learned from my wedding, i can always plan around it.

That is such a touching story!! Thanks for sharing!

Aquilah, your story makes me beyond happy. Yay for hope!

Turning points in my life . . . hmm . . .

Well, I am a recovering self-harmer. A life of emotional and sexual abuse was not kind on me.

I used to have severely, chronic depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide. By the time I was 16 I had overdosed 6 times. Both my arms were and are scarred up from cutting. On Halloween night 2000, slit both my wrists.

When I met Wes he knew my problems but loved me anyway. Because of him I found the courage to stop harming myself, even though I still struggled with depression, anxiety and the urges to self harm.

But one day, after a horrible fight with my mother in law, I went into the bathroom and slit open my wrist again. It was the first time I had harmed myself since Wes came into my life. I freaked out and asked our roommate to come in and help me clean up, but he called Wes in. The look in Wes' eyes . . . I'll never forget it.

I was good again until last October. When Wes found out I had harmed myself again he cried and asked me to never hurt him like that ever again.

The urges never really go away for a self harmer. Whenever something bad happens, I get that old familiar feeling, like an old comforting friend wants to give me a hug. But seeing my husband cry, and asking me to not hurt him . . . that was my turning point.

I've had a bunch but the biggie was when the Dr. told me I had a brain tumor..... Was NOT a good day....... Everything changed on that day... The other one was when my wife discovered I was a crossdresser after 25 years of marriage.... Both changed me drastically... but after the initial shock, things have turned out pretty good... So far...


Wow, lots of touching stories.

I have a few turning points I guess.

1.) Moving to Vienna for college and getting some (at least geographical) distance from my controlling father. That step finally gave me the freedom to make some decisions of my own and slowly build some confidence in myself.

2.) My brother being diagnosed with leukaemia at age 15, right when I started med school. I love him so much I wanted to be in that hospital bed having his disease instead of him going through it at such a young age. It made me realize nothing is more important than your health, so I try to keep that in mind for myself at all times.

3.) Slowly getting out of my depressive episode a few months ago. Meds, therapy, which I am still all doing...iit was all a big help, but nothing changed me more than my newfound awarness that my wellbeing (both physically and mentally) goes before anything else. I stressed over everything and after years of this crap it made me sick and I am not gonna let that happen again.

4.) Meeting my fiancé. He loves me for my good sides and for my bad sides, he´s my rock. I have never felt so accepted in my life.

wow alot of intense stories here!!

Well i have had many, some may come as a shock and i dont want sympathy for any of them as i always do and it is in the past.

one was when i was in 4th grade i was molested by my father, and i never thought about it til i was in 7th grade and talked to him about it. as i was asleep when it happened and he woke me, Thought it was one of those awful dreams.

we did talk and i did take him to child welfare about it, he was charged but not jailed as i never wished for that, cause i was 13 when i told them, it wa my choice to leave or not. i have forgave him as he was on lethal drugs at the time as a tragedy did happen around that time.

Another one was later in the yr when i first met my mum, i finally realized i had a mum and that she wasnt dead, i made up stories when i was little about her dying, my dad never told me about her, and when i asked he changed the story. he finally told me what happened and i understood y he didnt wish to talk about it and y it drove him to drugs.

also he told me a story same as my mum about when she was pregnant there was alot of bad ppl after her as they wanted to have me for themselves, they threatened and they even tried to kill my mum, explains alot wats happened when i was little. all this has taught me to love my parents as they did wat was best for me, as we all went into hiding and y my dad explained to me about my mum, there is more to the story but thats all im gonna say for now.

Another was when i left home to live with my mum, she taught me alot about being a women and being true to myself. she was what u could say my advisor lol. i was 16 at the time, it was the 2nd time i ever saw my mum lol.

Then the last time was when i found out it was pregnant in july 2005. i knew it was right and that it was to change my life. when my daughter arrived i realized that there is more to life and a reason for all the bad things that has happened in my past that she will never get to see or hear about. as i wish to give her the life i never had as a child. i look at her and see myself at times and when she looks at me with her eyes i can see she is happy and thats the most rewarding thing to me.

Kee-- *hugs* You're right, it doesn't ever really go away...hopefully things pull you away from that, though.

It's really hard, though.


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