What was your worst nightmare ever?

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My worst nightmares always involve the sexual abuse I suffered as a child. I'd rather not go into it further though, because I hate all the sad faces and I'm Sorry's =/

I use to have lucid type dreams with a combination of sleepwalking. This dream I always remembered...

My sister got this porcelain doll for her bday and I want to sleep with it (dunno why) so as I was sleeping with it - I turned my head over and this freaking doll turned her head over and the face started morphing into a wolf/chuckie/demon/etc and I freaked. I flipped my head away from it trying to get up and I was paralyzed, couldn't even yell and I started tearing up. I could hear this demon doll laughing hysterically saying, "mommy won't help you". And when it said it - I got released and I ran down the hall towards my parent's room. Eerily enough, at the time my parents had night light in the haul that were green colored. Creepy.

So, anyways - I go to my parents room and they weren't there and I start freaking out and go back to my room crying and yelling. That's when I woke up being on the floor. I guess I had fallen off the bed... I threw that damn doll away. My mom told me she had seen me go into her room and told me to sleep with her, but all I did was stare at her and then went back to my room. How weird...

As for realistic type dreams - I had one where these guys wanted to do something to me and my sister (who has cerebral palsy) and they were telling her to stand up and walk, but she obviously can't and made fun of her and got frustrated and started beating her and me up so then they took a gun out and shot her in the head in front of me. I remember waking up crying so hard. Shook en up as hell and I stayed up crying for about an hour... bah, horrible.

Celly I though my D2B-stalking attacks are your worst nightmare

my worst one i guess would have to be my son drowning in a pool. i hate dreams like that. i remember me jumping in the water and how bad i was crying.

One of the worst dreams I've had was that I was going to die and when I told my fiance he started crying and my family was crying too. It felt so real but then it switched on me and it was my mother who was going to die. I woke up crying. It was horrible.


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