What's the strangest thing you've found buried in your couch?

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Does my Mom's couch count? When I was four I was digging around and found one of those old fashioned bun pins. I think that's what they are, this was back in the early 70's and my mom was a beautician, but I pulled my hand out with the bun pin stuck in it. Freaked the heck out of my Mom and had to get a tetanus shot.

Hmmmm. I have found my cat between the couch and sat on him....poor guy...lol! I have found $money$ and my husband has left some pizza crumbs behind...lol.

the typicals....the remote, pens, food wrappers, change and lots of crumbs.

I usually fold my laundry on the couch so I sometimes find socks buried underneath.

I found a mexican family eating burritos when I went looking for change once..

they had my remote too.

I know, 'cause it was mine. :hide: :waccha:

I once lost my virginity on a couch but never found it again.

When I owned a cat he use to like to bury erasers, find loads of them buried in the couch. Otherwise I have found change, remote control, crumbs.

lol! :rotfl:

LMAO!!! Lisa you're so funny :add_wegbrech: :rotfl:

I found my daugher buried in the couch once, there is a huge hole in one of them under the cushions and she got stuck there, couldnt get out lol

When I was young I found and pulled out unknowingly a small dead mouse that was all flattened and dried out below the arm area of my grandparents couch. Musta been there for ages. Scared the crap out of me!

I think I have some kind of digital watch/alarm clock stuck in my couch somewhere but cant find it. It goes off EVERY night (morning) at 3:30 AM. Been doing this for MONTHS. Also trying to figure out who it belonged to...

And, if I'm hard up for a tampon, tube of lipstick, ink pen, change, maybe even a snack (kidding) I can always be assured of usually finding various goodies under the couch cushions. I clean my purse out all the time and it seems a lot falls "thru the cracks"... I like to think of my couch as my "emergency stash catcher".

I remember dropping my pen under the couch so I flipped over the cushion to dig it out...lo and behold! I found some spare change, candy wrappers, crumbs, a butter knife (dunno how the hell that got in there) my dad's Playboy magazine from '86 in which I 4got to throw out and my mom claimed it was mine (so I was a lesbian to her at the time) lol, it was some funky couch I had... :lol:

my cat frequently hides toys behind the sofa, lol, along with some socks of mine, always wondered how they got there.

Butter knifes, socks, undies, hairbrushes, money, my entire purse, remotes, my flip flops, a kitten (alive), finger nail polish, Aleve, my knee brace, movies, jewelry, cd's, books. Our loveseat eats everything

:add_wegbrech: this is so funny!

I find crumbles of Crisps, remote control, pens. nothing exciting.


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