Who is watching the Walking Dead season premier tonight?

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May 12, 2012
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Any Walking Dead fans out there? Its a great series, more like a movie than a TV show. Daryl is my favorite character!

ME!! Already set my DVR to record lol. I'm wondering how many seasons they can squeeze out before the storyline gets old. I've really enjoyed the show and absolutely loved that the girl got zombified! When she came out of the barn, I was like.. whaaa? Smh, of course! My whole family are fans of the show. C'mon, who doesn't love a zombiefest? They do a great job on the makeup, too.

Set my DVR to record as well. Sorry ABC's Revenge... Walking Dead comes first.

I am!! Every year in my town town we have an event called zombicon....this year the actress who played Sophia will be a guest! Hoping I can meet her :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by Fairest of all /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am!! Every year in my town town we have an event called zombicon....this year the actress who played Sophia will be a guest! Hoping I can meet her
Didn't they kill Sophia off last year? That was such a sad scene.

I recorded the HD version, which airs east coast time. OMG.. why didn't they do a two hour opener?! I hate how the episode ramps up and all of a sudden.. stay tuned for next week's episode! SMH

Aaack! Hurry up next Sunday! I feel bad for Dish users, no AMC and Walking Dead for them! I'm happy Shane's dead. What a douche..sad that Rick has become so... Hard and cold.

I watch the next day. I don't have cable, so I buy my episodes from Amazon on they are available the day after an episode airs. That episode was freakin' amazing! Copying and pasting my initial thoughts from another forum:

I wonder if we get some glimpses into what happened the past few months, or if the way the show opened sort of tells the story of how they have been struggling over that time.

Carl seemed less annoying this episode

Poor Herschel! Lost part of his leg, but I hope they severed it in time to save him.

I don't know how I feel about Carol and Daryl. I kind of feel she is beneath him, but that may change.

I LOVED seeing the women be more team players this episode and doing more of the fighting. That is what annoyed me before about Carol. Cooking and cleaning is fine, but that shouldn't be all you do to contribute when the world is falling apart.

I literally said, "Oh sh--!" when the people were discovered. I couldn't tell if they were staff, prisoners, or a mix of both. They must be trapped in the cafeteria, because how else could they survive that long.

Does Andrea have pneumonia? I know she will make it. I am glad she has Michonne looking out for her. I think it was messed up that the group left her. The least they could have done was left her a way to follow them like they left a message for Sophia.

For sure, they're haggard and exhausted. Any bets the baby is a zombie and eats its way out? I've been thinking about that since last season lol. Because we still don't know the original method of the epidemic.

In regards to Carol, she was a battered woman in a severely abusive relationship and still coming to terms with the loss of her daughter. I think her character is growing and developing a backbone. The wanna screw around bit was funny and different. Sheds a new light on her. Herschel...awww.. why'd he have to get his leg gnawed on?! Prisoners, they all looked like prisoners, regarding the people we saw in the last clip. Rick I've always liked for being a truly decent and Renaissance man. Good manners and always looking out for others. Hadn't completely lost hope or human decency, but he's got a darkness inside, after getting rid of Shane.Lorie has had a hand in pushing him towards and off a cliff lol. Good season opener!

My boyfriend is obsessed with this show, so we watched the entire season 2 marathon yesterday and then the new episode. I used to not be able to watch anything gorey but I am starting to really like the walking dead. I loooooove all the characters but Hershel is my favorite I think. I really like Glenn, too. 

Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In regards to Carol, she was a battered woman in a severely abusive relationship and still coming to terms with the loss of her daughter. I think her character is growing and developing a backbone. The wanna screw around bit was funny and different. Sheds a new light on her. Herschel...awww.. why'd he have to get his leg gnawed on?!

Prisoners, they all looked like prisoners, regarding the people we saw in the last clip. Rick I've always liked for being a truly decent and Renaissance man. Good manners and always looking out for others. Hadn't completely lost hope or human decency, but he's got a darkness inside, after getting rid of Shane.Lorie has had a hand in pushing him towards and off a cliff lol.

Good season opener!
lol I've been waiting for carol and darryl to get together for sooo long. JUST LET IT HAPPEN ALREADY!

Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif
For sure, they're haggard and exhausted. Any bets the baby is a zombie and eats its way out? I've been thinking about that since last season lol. Because we still don't know the original method of the epidemic.
LOL It reminds me of the newer version of the Living Dead.

In that movie (SPOILER ALERT) there's a pregnant woman who ends up cutting herself or getting bitten, can't recall which, and ends up dying while pregnant. She turns into a zombie but her husband keeps her hidden from the rest of the group in another part of the mall. She ends up going into labor despite being a zombie and the baby is born a zombie. The baby has no teeth and can't attack anyone. The father/husband is then killed after he shoots and kills another of the survivors because she found out that the wife/mom was dead and now a zombie. The guy didn't want to let his zombie wife or zombie baby go and killed for them. After he's dead the group kills the baby.

I don't think in TWD that her baby will be born a zombie since in the books she and the baby later die I think in the hands of the Governor.

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