Why Don’t Makeup Companies Sell More Travel Sizes?

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Nov 16, 2012
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I’ve decided to go low/no buy this year, but the toughest part about it is that the whole drug store beauty industry gears its marketing toward making you believe that their product is a brand-new “breakthrough,†and will be better than anything you’ve ever tried before. Which is naturally what makes me want to drop my barely-used products in favor of the new “generation†of formulas, color, etc.

But I’d feel much more comfortable going through a mass of products if I could buy them – especially lip sticks and nail polishes – in smaller travel sizes, the way they seem to offer much more with hair products.

One, because I wouldn’t feel as disappointed with a product that didn’t work, and two, so that I could try many more products without the same feeling of guilt as I’d actually be able to work through what I got at a faster rate.

And since travel sizes cost more per mL than the larger sizes, wouldn’t it make sense for cosmetics companies to offer the “trial size†version in-store?

You could sign up for a sampling service like Ipsy or Sample Society to get samples sent to you each month. Also, if you are wanting to try a specific product you can go into a department store and use testers.

I completely agree with you, I rarely (if ever) use up makeup products, and smaller sizes would be so much more wallet-friendly. Going through something like project 10 pan is nearly impossible for me if I only want to count makeup products! Time and time again I wonder why there's always so much product, haha... I'd rather have more variety, less product. 

It's due to production costs. For some companies it's less expensive to create full size products than travel or sample sizes. Keep in mind it costs thousands upon thousand to have their packaging made into sample/travel sizes which is why so many don't.


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