Would love to get a Sephora job. Rejected on JCP application. Need advice, plz :)

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Apr 6, 2012
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Hi, I've actually been a full-time mom for the past 8 years and have been out of work for a bit longer, due to an overwhelming illness that had me in and out of hospitals for a while. Anyway, now that my daughter is almost 10, I feel like I should actually put myself out there in order to make some much needed money. What more can I say? I just need advice!

About an hour ago, I filled in a lengthy set of questions for a the position of Product Consultant at a JCP Sephora. Well, I was rejected... I'm actually not sure what the basis was upon which they made this decision, but the proceeding page told me that I wasn't right for the position. It sounded like somewhat of a personality test (with about 60 questions). I responded that I could be outgoing, talkative, sympathetic, kind, that I put others' needs before own, etc., etc... Disney would have hired me; I had all the responses of Snow White, herself! I just don't know why some computer rejected me. Perhaps one of you could kindly help me with this. As I have not worked in a while, perhaps that could be why the computer was so quick to dismiss me as a serious applicant. It's just hard to take a computerized rejection seriously. :- 

I'm very determined and I'm going to try to apply at another non-JCP Sephora. This one is a wee bit further from the house, but not too out of the way. It's a bigger store in a high end mall. 

Can anyone offer me some answers/advice? I would really appreciate the help. *hugs*


I feel your pain lol. it might have been something like your schedule or previous job experience. the only thing I know about those multiple-choice online interview questions is that they look at the consistency of your responses--that's why you'll see the same questions rephrased like 3 different ways.

the job market's pretty crazy, so if I were you I'd apply to as many positions as possible, and count on at least a month before people start getting back to you. if you apply to just one or two places, the chances of you getting a position that hundreds of other people applied to are slim--and that has nothing to do with you as a person, it's just that there are so many people applying.

I'm sure you're doing everything right, but just make sure you get yourself out there more. if you're applying to much of the same positions, write a template CV and tailor according to each--it makes it easier when you fill out applications.

Thanks for the response!

Yeah, this planet is way overpopulated, so I can understand that there would be many people vying for the same position at once. I'm not frustrated, though. It just makes me feel all the more determined. 

I'm definitely going to apply to as many positions as possible. Sephora was just my first choice. I mean, if they hire me that would be spectacular! ;-D That's why I was asking for advice as to how to get my foot in the door. It just seems a little silly to reject someone on the basis of a silly computer questionnaire. Feels a bit lazy on their behalf. :- 

Yeah, unfortunately you've been out of the loop for awhile. Sephora is big company that makes big sales, and they're looking for proven sales people that have recent experience to maintain their high numbers, with minimal training as possible.

Performance based companies look at numbers first then personalites. If the potential candidate has the numbers, then they look more closely to the personality aspect of the applicant. Typically high numbers reflects longer experience in the field.

Like AC has already mentioned, apply at other counters, at least you'll have a chance of getting in.

      You're right. I really have been out of the loop. I might as well have been on another planet, for all it's worth. lol. 

      I do understand that they're looking for more experienced workers. Thanks for the advice! I'm still going to at least *try* to apply to the other Sephora in the area. If they reject me, *shrug* I'll just find another job and try again later. ;-D They can't spank me for a little persistence. 

       It might take me awhile to find something, but I'll try to post updates. I do frequent these forums, anyway. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by vogueboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah, unfortunately you've been out of the loop for awhile. Sephora is big company that makes big sales, and they're looking for proven sales people that have recent experience to maintain their high numbers, with minimal training as possible.

Performance based companies look at numbers first then personalites. If the potential candidate has the numbers, then they look more closely to the personality aspect of the applicant. Typically high numbers reflects longer experience in the field.

Like AC has already mentioned, apply at other counters, at least you'll have a chance of getting in.

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