Would you be interested in a Parenting Subforum?

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I don't have kids but I want to be a great mom when I have one. So a parenting forum will be great!

I love this idea! I have a 7 yr old son, a 3 year old daughter, and we just found out a few weeks ago that we're expecting baby#3!! Due in November.

I just came back from my ultrasound...saw the heartbeat!! Yay!

It would be great to join together with other Mut Mommies for advice and support!


I vote yes! I have 3 daughters, 13 yrs/10 yrs/3 yrs.....we could so use a parental support forum. Although I've found my support in the advice forum, it'd be neat to have a separate forum and we could all help each other, give tips, links to great sites, suggestions, advice, and sooooo much more, we could brag about accomplishments of our children and vent if we want to lock them in a closet and ummmmm

Nice idea!

How fun, I love the ultra sound and hearing the heartbeat....just makes me feel so much safer. Congrats!

OMG..congrats!! That's so exciting to hear!!:clap

Expecting mine on June 10th (if not earlier) still have to get my overnight bag together and get new pajamas and some basic makeup (of course) together.

Thanks so much, Kwitter!! We are still a bit overwhelmed, but extremely happy and feel so blessed. I'll keep you posted...perhaps in the parenting forum?


Congratulations, tendereyes!! Do you have any names picked out? I love that part of the whole process! Good luck with everything and keep us updated, ok?

I know how you feel. My 3rd child was 7 years after my 2nd and she felt like my 1st....I was scared of birth (labor)....ended up with a c-section (she was butt first and we couldn't turn her).

I voted yes! I hope to have children soon, am working on it. For many reasons, I know I am young, a lot of the reasons are medical.

I hope there is one someday!!

I am not a parent nor will I ever be one but I think that is a great idea. There are a lot of people out there that would enjoy and benefit from a parenting subforum.

I think it's a cool idea but, I think it would give the forum more of a '' women's talk '' feel vs. makeuptalk and forums about parenting could be posted in the general talk forums so, i voted no but, just my personal opinion of course.. i'll still love mut either way.


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