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At first I thought foundation, but then again my skin is not that bad right now(except for really bad dark circle-ha I deserve it) But i'd go with blush/bronzer!

I would be late for work also, but if I could only choose one thing it would be foundation.

On a regular day I don't normally use that much, but I'd have to say foundation. There's always a lipgloss or 5 hanging out in my bag for later.

foundation (or just powder depending on how late i'd be) and then mascara, just to open up my eyes and make things look less weird (i hate the look of no mascara with foundation on)

but i work at a drugstore, so 1)no one cares how i look and 2)we sell cheap makeup. which means id probably have to get some sort of gloss on there, haha

My little makeup bag, containing a small eyeshadow trio, black eyeliner, a lipstick, a small powder compact, a concealer stick, a tiny box of blush, a lipbalm, a mirror, an atomiser (I reuse perfume sample atomisers from counters) and pocket makeup brushes.

(Hey, you never know when you'll get caught in the rain!)


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