Your Driving Record, let's hear it forums

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and one more for speeding...

i guess i shouldn't speed.

But i have been real good and have a nice record now.. no mo' points.


lol WOW good topic huh
got a speeding ticket two weeks ago
i felt so guilty lol
i pull over before the officer came out
to get me lol
i just waited lol
this is my second ticket within 5 years
I had a parking ticket when I was 17, and a ticket for my tinted windows being too dark when I was 18... You're supposed to have 70% of light to pass thru, the cop checked mine... 3% lmao!!! But I pulled it off within 24hrs and got the ticket dismissed. I also fought the parking ticket and won b/c there was no 'here to corner' sign and I was parked WELL past the last sign.

Originally Posted by NYAngel98 I had a parking ticket when I was 17, and a ticket for my tinted windows being too dark when I was 18... You're supposed to have 70% of light to pass thru, the cop checked mine... 3% lmao!!! But I pulled it off within 24hrs and got the ticket dismissed. I also fought the parking ticket and won b/c there was no 'here to corner' sign and I was parked WELL past the last sign.
3% lol omg lol

they just pass a law recently here in memphis

about dark tint on windows

it will get you pull over now

I try not to rant and rave, because it always jinxes me.

For instance, when my parents say to me "Jen, how's your car running"? Without fail, something always goes wrong within a short while when they ask me this questions, so .... I am not going to say a word about my driving record because I'm "ascared" there will be recourse...

So far so good - I've been driving for 4 1/2 years, and no speeding tickets, parking tickets, or accidents. It's amazing I haven't gotten a speeding ticket yet though. I think everyone knows I drive fast...
I've been trying to do better though as I don't need a ticket because then I'll HAVE to work vs. working because I want to...

So far, so good with my driving record. I've been driving for about 5 years now, and hopefully it will stay clean *crosses fingers*

Mine was perfectly clean for 13 years then I went through an icy road and slid... had an accident! (3 years ago). I had a speeding ticket last year. What can I say I have no trouble driving a manual shift but when I drive automatic car.... I get to have a heavy foot!!!

Mine's perfect and always has been! hee hee heeeeeeeeeeeeee! Driving since age 17 and I'm now 32. I'm a very paranoid and cautious driver. I'm scared to death of all the idiots and maniacs out there, so I figure it's up to me to be careful and be a good driver, if I want to stay alive. But don't worry, I'm not like a granny who goes 10 below the speed limit, or stays in the left lane on the freeway and won't move over. I'm a good driver!

Mine's clean although I did hit a little girl on a bike
.. thank god she was ok and didn't call the cops!

Originally Posted by lilyindavis Mine's clean although I did hit a little girl on a bike
.. thank god she was ok and didn't call the cops! Whoa! Watch out now. What happened?
Originally Posted by Marisol Whoa! Watch out now. What happened? It was sort of a hit-and-run situation.. LOL I just kept driving cuz I was scared. But the driver behind me talked to the girl. And then he followed me and told me that she was ok. I freaked out and just started bawling! I've also hit other things (objects not people) so I probably shouldn't be driving...
Originally Posted by lilyindavis It was sort of a hit-and-run situation.. LOL I just kept driving cuz I was scared. But the driver behind me talked to the girl. And then he followed me and told me that she was ok. I freaked out and just started bawling! I've also hit other things (objects not people) so I probably shouldn't be driving...

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