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That is odd, I never smoked and I had acne pretty bad as a teenager. The only thing our teacher said was that he could tell who came from a family of smokers, because he could smell it on the clothes. I thought that was kind of mean, because the kids couldn't help what their parents did. Just venting a little.

I smoke:icon_redf , and i'm 15, smoked for a year and a half, and i havent noticed any differences in my skin. I would like 2 no tho if drinking or marijuana does anything to your acne?

i smoke and have done for about 4 years and thinkin bk i never ever got spots, but not longer after i started i would get the odd one but a yr after i got more (but i duno if that was because of my college course where i had make-up n facials done evryday). but overall i would say smokin has changed my skin alot i never had any problems before but i cant say for sure if this is because of smokin it could be the fact iv got older and hormones have changed etc. i would say drinkin does give u spots i mean if coke can alcohol has got too! and as for marijuana all my friends that smoke it say that it helps with there spots.

OK, so i was looking for something on the site and then i had came across a site that was saying, that you can try lots of acne things and sometimes they may work, but the acne will come back. And that it has to do with the liver function, so if your liver doesn`t functions well then basically you`ll be stuck with acne and other things. Now does anyone has more info about the liver function, cuz i`ve read that this one is the most important one to keep things in the body good and so. TIA.

well, i do know that all the blood in your body passes through your liver which acts like a filter to remove toxins from the body. so, it makes perfect sense that if your liver isn't functioning properly then you will have skin problems. it would kind of be the equivalent of your toilet backing up! not a pretty sight!

I'm not sure specifically about improving "liver" health. But I've heard that drinking warm water with lemon or Apple Cider Vinegar first thing in the morning, can help clean toxins from your system.

I hope others have some more info...I'd love to find out more!!

I got curious, so I did a quick search and came across the official web site for the American Liver Foundation. They had a list of "50 ways to Love your Liver." Here's a partial list:

Eat for health

Since everything we eat must pass through the liver, special attention to nutrition and diet can help keep me healthy. Here are some tips on eating for health healthy liver, healthy you!

28. Eat a well balanced, nutritionally adequate diet. if you enjoy foods from each of the four food groups, you will probably obtain the nutrients you need.

29. Cut down on the amount of deep-fried and fatty foods you and your family consume. Doctors believe that the risk of gallbladder disorders (including gallstones, a liver-related disease) can be reduced by avoiding high-fat and cholesterol foods.

30. Minimize your consumption of smoked, cured and salted foods. Taste your food before adding salt! Or try alternative seasonings in your cooking such as lemon juice, onion, vinegar, garlic, pepper, mustard, cloves, sage or thyme.


protein, vitamin A, iron, vitamin B12, niacin, fiber, thiamin


carbohydrates, niacin, thiamin, iron, riboflavin, fiber


vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, fiber, folacin


calcium, riboflavin, niacin,folacin, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D

31. Increase your intake of high-fiber foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, rice and cereals. A high-fiber diet is especially helpful in keeping me healthy.

32. Rich desserts, snacks and drinks are high in calories because of the amount of sweetening (and often fat) they contain. Why not munch on some fruit instead?

33. Keep your weight close to ideal. Medical researchers have established a direct correlation between obesity and the development of gallbladder disorders.

34. If you are dieting to lose weight, make sure that you are still getting all the vitamins and minerals your body - and I! - need to function properly

35. A regular exercise routine, two or three days a week, will help keep me healthy, too.


Here are some signs of liver trouble. If you experience anyof these symptoms, please contact your doctor:

36. Yellow discoloration of the skin or eyes.

37. Abdominal swelling or severe abdominal pain.

38. Prolonged itching of the skin.

39. Very dark urine or pale stools-, or the passage of bloody or tar-like stools.

40. Chronic fatigue, nausea or loss of appetite.

You can check out the site at Seems like stuff we already kinda know. Would still like to find some other helpful tidbits...

Yes, this is true. As our body generates new cells to keep itself in good health, it also attempts to cleanse itself by the elimination of toxins through the skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, and colon. If one organ becomes congested, the others must work harder to keep the system balanced.

I used to have alot of trouble with my colon and wasn't ellimating like I was supposed to. I would go like a week or so without having a bowel movement. My skin suffered as a consequence. I finally stopped trying to clear my skin on the outside and started to work at it from the inside. I had colonics done and also gave myself natural enemas periodically. For my colon I used lemon juice cleansing enemas and for my liver I used coffee retention enemas.

If interested, Click Here for info on how to preform a coffee retention enema.

Wow thanx a million for those info`s Nicole and Lisa and also Monniej. I`m gonna print and save this info, very usefull! :icon_wink

Lisa what is coffee retention enemas, sounds ineresting, is it normal coffee or anything? :icon_smil

Aha I already know from the link, it`s organic coffe right? But isn`t coffee bad, or is it if you drink to much? Anyway interesting!

OK, i know this answer already also from the link, sorry that i ask before reading it good, but I`m half sleeping and my computer mousse does`nt work very well so it takes me long to drag it to here and there. :icon_twis :icon_wink


From that last link I just left and to answer your question:

It is interesting to note that drinking a cup of coffee has an entirely different effect from that of using it as a cleansing enema. Drinking coffee causes the following problems: increases reflex response; lowers blood pressure; increases heart rate; causes insomnia and heart palpitations; over stimulates the adrenals; irritates the stomach; and leaves a toxic residue in the body. A coffee enema when done properly will not produce these effects.

Thanx for this link also, lots of reading to do . Now I only have to translate everything in Dutch to understand everything :icon_chee


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