Any sugestion on blue eye makeup forums

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Apr 7, 2011
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HI i am looking for best makeup for blue eyes. any ideas? plz reply and help me out....

Coppers and Gold Eyeshadows look amazing with Blue eyes! It really makes them pop. 

I recommend....

Urban Decay's Half Baked E/S

I also really like black eyeliner with Blue eyes. Frames them really nicely!

I recommend

Smashbox's Limitless Liner

Urban Decay's 24/7 Liner

A lot of lines nowadays have specific makeup for your color of eyes.  Physicians Formula has a very good selection.  Browns, rose and violet shades look best.

I'm going to go "off the path" a bit and recommend a different approach (just my opinion). I'd suggest trying to find colors that work with your skin first before your eye color. I have green eyes, and can pull off green shadow--IF it's in the right family of hues. For example, really warm greens look horrible on me, where as forrest or cooler toned shimmery greens look fine. I guess my "thing" is I don't like being limited by makeup rules, and tend to find the big makeup conglomerates will shove down our throats what blue eyed people/green eyed/brown eyed people can and can't wear, etc. I think it's more of a marketing thing rather than a helpful thing. 

The women have given some great tips tho ^  I love to see a blue eye "pop" with some intense color. Maybe if you could post a pic I could be of more help. Best of luck!

Going by color theory alone. Peaches and Orange based shadows are the complimentary scheme for blue eyes. Just like red based colors are designed to make green eyes pop, and purple tones for golden brown eyes :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />.

Find the shade that works best with your skintype and hair color, because those have to be taken into account.

Colors make your eyes stand out by complimenting them, of by contrast. So you could try blue, green, peach/light orange, pale pink, brown, and grey. Black if you have a very light skin can make you look dead, bleached, so i don't recommend it, but you can try and see if it works for you.

I like grey because although i have brown eyes, it really makes them stand out, and depending on the shade, you can use it for day and night looks, liek the previous poster said. Try silver, combiend with a light green or a pale blue, it's really a good combination. A navy blue is perfect for dark, almost smoky eyes (try the blue deluxe shadow from Urban Decay, this color is fabulous !).

I totally agree with greeneyedlady. i too have green eyes but chose a jeweled green/blue that works just fine for me as well. just don't be too scared to may surprise yourself!

also i have seen taupes, golds, browns, purples, greens, and peaches all look great with blue eyes. go for what looks best with hair and skin color first. definitely.

I have blue/hazel eyes and greens usually look best when I'm trying to make my eyes stand out.  Every day use are usually earth tones.

Honestly, I say rock out your favorite colors regardless of your eye color. I know there are certain shades that make different eye colors stand out, but really I just wear what I like. I have green eyes and I wear a lot of green and alot of blue. But just becuase I am attracted to those colors. But if you look at my album you'll see i wear all kinds of colors, and multiples colors at the same time, that dont even go together outside of my face :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Physicians formula and covergirl are big into eye color enhancing product lines.

Opposites attract, remember that. High voltage cosmetics and My beauty addiction are really nice pigments, and cheap.

My eyes are blue/green kinda, sometimes a little green/grey looking, and I used to stick to browns, coppers, flesh tones, rich deep greens mixed with browns, even burgundy-browns. Was afraid of using blues and brighter greens. Stupid. Then I suddenly saw the most gorgeous navy blue, super pigmented shadow in-store and got it for FREE with my Shoppers points. BONUS! Took that puppy home and mixed it with the browns I already had on my eyes, smoked it out over my brown mineral liner, and oh my god - BOING! - I was like 'I *CAN* WEAR BLUES!' I don't know WTH ever possessed me to even THINK I couldn't. I even had my husband take photos, and I was standing there looking at them thinking 'Dammmmm....that looks GOOD!' Then I tried it in my crease....DOUBLE BOING! That has rarely happened in my lifetime LOL Since that day, I have been playing with all the colors I have, instead of avoiding them and wishing 'I would LOVE to wear that color but it won't look good on me'. Rubbish!

Just play. Don't go by any 'rules'. It takes all the fun out of makeup. Hell, I never in my LIFE thought I would be slapping on green nail polish, but went out and got 2 different shades the other day and LOVE it.

I'm glad you found the blue for you! My eyes are green, but I really like the Kat von D pigment layered over a glide on pencil. I found that to add some "pop". Here's a vid if you're interested..:

Originally Posted by greeneyedlady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm going to go "off the path" a bit and recommend a different approach (just my opinion). I'd suggest trying to find colors that work with your skin first before your eye color. I have green eyes, and can pull off green shadow--IF it's in the right family of hues. For example, really warm greens look horrible on me, where as forrest or cooler toned shimmery greens look fine. I guess my "thing" is I don't like being limited by makeup rules, and tend to find the big makeup conglomerates will shove down our throats what blue eyed people/green eyed/brown eyed people can and can't wear, etc. I think it's more of a marketing thing rather than a helpful thing. 

The women have given some great tips tho ^  I love to see a blue eye "pop" with some intense color. Maybe if you could post a pic I could be of more help. Best of luck!

I totally agree.   I don't buy for blue eyes, I buy what I like and what catches my eye!  I have purchased a few things meant for blue eyes, but that's not the norm for me at all.  Almay is another brand that sells lines for different eye colors.  I liked the purple and it said it was for brown eyes, and the the one meant for blue eyes was brown products.  Well, I like purple better, so I bought the one meant for the brown eyes.  It has shadows, liquid liner, and mascara.  I wear what I want to wear, and what's going to compliment what I'm wearing.  That and it will all depend on how I'm feeling that day.  My eye color doesn't come into mind when I apply my makeup! 

I like browns but am willing to experiment.  My browns:

MAC Teddy eyeliner.

MAC Eyeshadows in Mulch, Soft Brown, & Grain.  Highlight with Dazzlelight. 


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