Bare minerals causing breakouts?? forums

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I've had breakouts since using MMU, but it's not confined to one brand and not all the time with any brand. I find that if I switch brands and not use one brand more than about a week at a time, it helps. But BE seems to be the brand that breaks me out the LEAST. I may be reacting to the BO in the MMU, since all the brands I use so far have it in them; however, I have yet to find one without the BO that I like. EDM looked chalky on me or else didn't last long enough (depending on the formula).

Good luck with finding your HG MMU!

I'm currently using Everyday Minerals and love it.. however I purchased the BareMinerals kit over the holidays because it was on sale.. hopefully not everyone will break out from it?

I had the same experience with BM- It was the first MMU I tried-I was breaking out like crazy,then I tried EDM and I love it
Is my HG so far

You aren't alone! Bare Minerals pushes itself as "pure, with no fillers or additives or irritants" but as you can tell some people, including myself cannot use it. It makes my eyes itch, swell and run, PLUS it itches and makes my skin look lined and shiny, with HUGE pores. It looks fake, like I have "wax museum face". I have used other mineral products, one of them a liquid cream that is oil free called Illuminare' ( I think?) and that one in particular along with one that is pressed in a compact and doesn't have the irritants and stuff and uses something natural (I think like shea to compress it) worked really well and I had NO problem. They both have a sunblock of about spf 20-25. I ended up using the BE on my arms and legs and decollette areas as sunblock and also hiding freckles and spots. I tried the moisturizer, the primer and other things including putting the mineral veil on first and it didn't help at all. In fact using a moisturizer that was thicker made me sweat and get bumps. A lot of companies do offer samples, including illuminare' cosmetics (the mineral makeup in a tube- you only use A LITTLE a blend because it is very concentrated so it lasts forever), so you might want to do a search and shop around and try samples. Always check the ingredients first! They are right about the Bismuth Oxychloride, it is a filler that gives weight to the powder, makes it cling and last longer. It is also a very common irritant. Good luck!

Originally Posted by farris2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Yeah could be the bismuth or the brushes. Some of BE's brushes are so rough that you could break out from those.I did. i agree... some of the flawless or buki brushes make my face itch or make me break out too.... i solved the problem by using a synthetic brush... i love the BE Maxium Coverage "Face" brush... it's a great brush...
You should also try to use a primer first... i like the Smashbox Photo Finish... I use it everyday.....

Hope this can help... good luck...

Originally Posted by Jujuwa514 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm currently using Everyday Minerals and love it.. however I purchased the BareMinerals kit over the holidays because it was on sale.. hopefully not everyone will break out from it? Not everyone does - it works perfectly for me, my mom and many of my friends
I finally gave in bought some BE off of qvc. i can't believe i fell for it cause the breakouts started in no time and the dang brushed cost sooo much, it's so expensive and so ROUGH! My eyes teared up and rashes under my eyes and down the side of my cheeks. Thought it was the brush, so i tried a sponge, still the same breakouts.

As for bismuth oxychloride as the culprit, to me is more of a myth because i've been using eyeshadows with bismuth in them for years and I never broke out like I did wih BE.

Maybe you should do some investigating and put on some shadows with bismuth on your face and see if you break out?

I've used BE in the past. My skin was clear but after the first time I used it my face was so itchy I wanted to scratch it off. I'd say stop using it right away and change to a different mineral foundation. There are many better ones out there that have even better coverage and look just as nice, if not nicer. I hope things work out for you! :]

In the summer, Bare Minerals looked fine on me. Now in the winter time, it looks really bad! I am super shiny etc. I use Everyday Minerals now.

I love Everyday Minerals too. You should try it. They use great non-irritating ingredients, it's much cheaper than BE, and they have free sample sets where you only pay the inexpensive shipping.

And their new long handle kabuki and flat top brushes are super soft and fabulous. (And a bargain.)

Good luck!

I just started using BE and I'm having some problems also. I don't think its the make up though. I think its the brushes. They seem to be really ruff on my skin. I'm getting a new complete set in a few days thankfully. Hopefully that will solve the problem.

Originally Posted by julymommy06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif So i have always had really clear skin, and i heard so many good things about bare minerals but since i started using it my face has been breaking out like crazy!! I love it and want to keep using it, but i'd rather have clear skin, i have dry skin, and i heard more of sensitive skin having this reaction, has this happened to anyone else??
I don't know about the breaking out but I was allergic to it. It made my face feel awful! Try other mineral makeups out there, there are others that are cheaper and a better product.
I haven't used BE, but plenty of other mineral foundations have caused me to break out and get rashes/irritation, etc. I've all but decided that mmu (at least the foundation) is not for me.

Yea I don't have particularly sensitive skin and I never had acne-prone skin, with few breakouts over the years. I used BE successfully for a year or so, and then recently I started having what my family dubbed a "wind rash" where the skin on my cheeks were puffy, red, and inflamed. I noticed that when I applied BE it didn't feel good, but I continued applying it. Then I started having breakouts, but I attributed it to hormones and stress and not my makeup. Finally when I had a minor breakout of cystic acne, I realized that it was the MMU that was causing cystic acne, "wind rashes", and minor breakouts. I still use BE sometimes though, because I spend so much on the product and I don't want to throw all that money away. Plus, I really WANT to be able to be part of the huge population of women who benefit from this makeup

I have always have had clearn skin even growing up through teenage and adolesent years. But I started useing Bare Minerals for 3 months now and my face has just been non-sptop of breakouts. It's so  terrible I had to go to dermatologist. I stop using BM for a week and my face has cleared up tremendously. I went back to using a MICA BELLA Mineral makeup, is  what I was using prior to Bare Minerals. Bare Minerals just not for me.

I used it for a long time before I figured out that it caused me to break out. After doing some research I found that it has a lot of red dye in it. I have found Pink Papaya and that's the mineral make-up I use. I have been super satisfied and even better yet they have a 60 day guarantee! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I wanted to buy bareMinerals.. but since my skin is very oily.. so is it a great product for me or not..??? should i consider any other mineral company./??

BareMinerals breaks me out too. I tried the kind that didn't have Bismuth Oxychloride in it and it still did. Everyday Minerals doesn't break me out and I use it sometimes.


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