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yeah, it seems for me sometimes nothing will happen for 3-4 months then I'll get 2 invites in a month, then nothing again for another 2-6 months.  But the products I've been able to try out from them are always enough for me to try out and sometimes enough for me to give out to friends too.  A few times I've gotten a ton of coupons to pass out to people, too.  (I've gotten a full size product for me to try out and a handful of samples to pass out before, too) I think I typically get offered maybe 2-4 campaigns a year?  I wouldn't expect this to be anything where you're getting free products every month.  A couple campaigns I joined were merely "sign up for this website and check it out" so I didn't really receive a product out of it, just exposure to the website's offerings.
Oh, that's kind of lame :/ Oh well, I'll keep a look out!
I finally got the Garnier BB Cream from BzzAgent.  I really like it.  It conceals my pores and my ruddy cheeks.  Here's a before and after.  What did those of you that got this campaign think?

I just signed up. How long until I get a campaign? Also how often should I log in to do surveys? 

Do I have a better chance of getting more campaigns if I do the one's I get even if I'm not thrilled about them?

It's pretty hit or miss. Basically there's no telling how long until you get campaigns, because it's different for everyone. 

I get two or three campaigns a year at most. Some people get lots, and some people get hardly any. 

I wouldn't accept things you aren't actually into testing, because it's taking a spot from a person who might really really want to try it out. I wouldn't suggest doing campaigns just for the sake of doing them. I skip ones I am not interested in, or that seem like a total PIA. Not all of them give you things to test, some are websites, or programs to use, or one was a bunch of random ebooks to review and share with people. 

I didn't get a campaign for 11 months! It was ridiculous! Then I got 2 really close together, didn't get anything for about 6 months, got 3 really close together, and nothing for a few months now. It's pretty sporadic.

You just need to make sure your surveys have all been completed.  They usually won't remind you to take surveys unless you've had unfinished ones for a reallllllllly long time, and they don't let you know when there are new surveys.

The surveys are how they determine whether you are sent an invite to a campaign.

And yes, it's infrequent.  Sometimes I'll wait 6 months or longer before getting an invite.  Sometimes I'll get an invite a week after I've started another campaign.  They seem to come in spurts for me (I'll have nothing for a few months, then suddenly I'll get 2 or 3 invites in a single month)

They just changed their ranking system from bee level to bzzscore.  Bee level was determined by activity done during a campaign, thus the more campaigns you did, the more chances you had at increasing your bee level.  But, I think there were only 6 bee levels max.  The new BzzScore (they just introduced it this month?) is based on how active you are and goes up and down on a scale of 0-10.  I think it said if you're super low on the scale it means you're either really inactive and probably won't get sent many invites, or you're extremely new and haven't had a chance to prove yourself.

I think the purpose is to try to give newer folks a better chance of getting campaign invites over older folks (once you were at max bee were at max bee level, so you had an even chance with everyone else up there with you) who didn't actually follow through and participate (but who still got priority invite since they were max bee level).

Bzz has been around for years, so there were tons of folks who were already at max.

Originally Posted by BrittneyMarie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I didn't get a campaign for 11 months! It was ridiculous! Then I got 2 really close together, didn't get anything for about 6 months, got 3 really close together, and nothing for a few months now. It's pretty sporadic.

Actually if that's happening for you, I wonder if that's what they normally do?  (e.g. group up campaign invites by priority level so when you get to the front of the line you just get invited to all of the campaigns you're eligible at the time?)  I wonder if that's what happens to everyone else too, since that's how it happens for me.

I'll get absolutely nothing for a long time, then in a matter of 2-3 weeks I've suddenly got a few of them in a row.  I've only been a member for 2 years, but I remember co-workers from 7 years ago that were a part of's why I signed up with them when I re-found them a few years ago.

I've been a member since 03/04/2012. I did all of the surveys in like one day, ha. I got invited to a Hill's Science Diet pet food campaign, and was selected to participate. It came really fast, I picked cat food since my dog is really picky and my cats eat everything.

My BzzScore is currently 6.0 but there are no new surveys and I can't increase the score since I don't have a blog/facebook/twitter.

Overall, I like BzzAgent

Originally Posted by MommaMonster /img/forum/go_quote.gif

While we're sharing...

Do you do HouseParty?  We've had a bunch of really fun parties and gotten lots of great stuff to try through them.
Ahhhh I'm so excited, I got picked to host the Keurig Vue House Party! I've been wanting a Keurig brewer for so long! I can't believe I'm getting one for free :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I've been invited to a CarMD campaign. It's a pay-to-play campaign, and I'm not sure if I'd use the thing ever. So I'm not sure I'll be joining.

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've been invited to a CarMD campaign. It's a pay-to-play campaign, and I'm not sure if I'd use the thing ever. So I'm not sure I'll be joining.

I got invited too. Does pay to play mean you pay for the item and then use it?

I would never use it, but I guess I could give it to my parents and have them use it. But it's not very often that I would need to have my car fixed.

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah, I got invited to, it's $56 to participate. 

To me that's not worth it. Even though your getting it at like 70% off.

It seems like they invited a ton of people into this one. I've only been apart of BZZ Agent for like 3 weeks and most people said it takes awhile to get campaigns.

Originally Posted by xoxelizabeth189 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

To me that's not worth it. Even though your getting it at like 70% off.

It seems like they invited a ton of people into this one. I've only been apart of BZZ Agent for like 3 weeks and most people said it takes awhile to get campaigns.
I'm sure they invite everyone to one that you have to pay for, as long as you said you have a car or whatever. But I'm not gonna pay to do advertising for someone. 

You know.. if father's day were sooner, I'd get it. My dad works on cars all the time since he's retired and has a ton of oldies and it'd probably be beneficial for him. I'm going to look into the thing a lot more though.

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You know.. if father's day were sooner, I'd get it. My dad works on cars all the time since he's retired and has a ton of oldies and it'd probably be beneficial for him. I'm going to look into the thing a lot more though.

It only works on cars 1996 and old though. So he probably wouldn't be able to use it on his older cars.

I don't know how it works, but you could give it to him to try and then you post his comments on the thing or whatever. They do say the more campaigns you do the better chance you have at getting another. Because of the whole points system they use. The higher amount of points you get[from doing the surveys and campaigns] the better chance you have at getting a survey.

Just signed up!!! I'm part of loreal consumer testing but have yet to be picked for anything. In over a year I have not qualified for anything lol

Originally Posted by Amber Blevins /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just signed up!!! I'm part of loreal consumer testing but have yet to be picked for anything. In over a year I have not qualified for anything lol

Sign up for HouseParty too! I think getting picked by them is more of a lottery type deal if you fit their demographics, but they give you great stuff. i.e. $250 Keurig brewers :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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