Circular Swap #6 - Calibama? Discussion Group forums

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LOL! I love how you already know what group you're going to be in! HAHA! Thank you for coming up with such a lasting and memorable name!!!
Stalking this group - had no idea there was another swap going on or I totally would've been in. :'(

Stupid wedding planning and busy season at work. So damn jelly.

 Are y'all getting excited? I know I am! It's also great to have new members, so if you are new to CS, welcome to Calibama, the best dang swapping group evah!  We always have a lively, fun thread so please don't feel shy, jump right on in.

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I got a box today at the post office and am working on packing it.  It is REALLY hard to pack in a medium sized flat rate.  I am not sure how I am going to make this work.  Off to the gym and will contemplate it while I run!

Packing fun below!


Mwahahaha just kidding, the secret was in putting a lot (like 3 makeup bags plus loose stuff in the train case!  

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Suuuuure - I'm fine adding @@tnorth1852 -  you were part of the original Calibama after all :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And if anyone takes issue, I'm fine skipping this round. Though.... I have a few porefessionals that need a good home :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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 You are the bestest @@tgooberbutt! You can't drop out either, you were with us from the beginning. So I will ship to @@tulosai as originally planned  as I see on the list. Thank you so much for letting @@tnorth1852 play with us!

   I cannot wait to get my hands on that box, also excited to see who gives my stash a loving home.

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Ok box is packed, ready to go and will be mailed tomorrow!  Unless you want me to wait 1 day @@Kristine Walker to get it closer to your bday.  I figure mailing it tomorrow it should be there by Saturday.

Beauty Hoarder Problems below

Oh and as I was collecting items for the box I realized what a lippie hoarder I am.  I have not 4 dupes from this years Sephora Give Me more Lip but SEVEN. I have been debating taking the set back. So I have left them out for this round (hoping there is a round two!).  My husband says I should keep the set and put the extras in the swap or Secret Santa.  He says I should keep it as I got an allowance for makeup for our birthaversymus (birthday, anniversary and Christmas-we do one big present since they are all in a row for us) and it was a gift to get the money!

The lippies I have dupes of are: Hourglass Icon, Benfit Posie Balm, Bite Palamino, Buxom lipstick in Menace, OCC Lip tar in Black Dahlia, Bare Minerals lipstick in Speak your mind, and Sephora Rouge Infusion in color 10 red essence.
LOL! birthaversymus - I love it! Though I always felt bad for the kiddies growing up that had their birthdays too close to the holidays. I always felt that they probably got a little shafted. And that everyone was on vacation and away during your b-day :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My day is MADE. And This, my friends, is why I love Calibama!

So - here's the dealio - I'm getting married 18 October and will be moonin' the honey (hahahaha. get it!? Honeymoon. anyway, i Digress.) until 27 Oct. If I see that the box will come to me during that time, I will bow out before it's shipped to me. I don't want to hold it up getting back to @@lovepink since you guys are so gracious enough to let me in!

wait... did I mention how much I love y'all? Consider it mentioned!!

 ATM  @@tgooberbutt and @@tulosai, good buddy @@tnorth1852 is last on the list, but her wedding is on the 18th and on honeymoon until 27th. If we bump her up to after me, she gets to swap ,and  add wonderful goodies. If she's last I am afraid she will miss out. We have two birthdays and a wedding to celebrate in our group and I just love to celebrate!

  All in favor? Any objections?

@@tulosai You are a total sweetheart! You deserve the Deborah Lippman's for your generosity!  I won't even breathe on them, but I might just tuck a little surprise for you in the box as a "thank you".

@@tulosai You are a total sweetheart! You deserve the Deborah Lippman's for your generosity!  I won't even breathe on them, but I might just tuck a little surprise for you in the box as a "thank you".
Aw there is honestly no need.  While my love of Deborah Lippman is very very real my post really was a joke... please do take them if you love them as much as I do!!

Sorry, late to the party ladies! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

1.What type of products do you love?

Lipsticks, blushes, non-black/brown eyeliners, face masks, & HAIR PRODUCTS. All the hair products. 

2.What type of products do you dislike?

Lip gloss. 

3.Favorite brands?

Tarte, UD, Too Faced. Rimmel, Maybelline, Revlon for drug store. All the indies. 

4.Least favorite brands?

I don't really have one, but I'm with @@Lolo22 on the 'Ipsy brands.' Kind of over Be A Bombshell/J.Cat kind of things. 

Already hoping we do a second round. I have SO. MUCH. STUFF. Thought about volunteering to be a box starter, but decided against it since this is my first circular swap!


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