For a handbag, I do not care what brand it is. It has to be a backpack style, big enough for my laptop, and sturdy. Beyond that, I don't really care. I cannot carry a big purse with 2 little handles or a shoulder strap. My current purse is Mossimo, regular price $29.99 at Target. I got it on clearance for $8.99. However, the plaid with the leather trim is the only Mossimo purse I recommend. I had another one from the same brand that ripped across the front and the seam at the bottom started to rip, too. It used to be hard to find backpacks small enough to be purses, but now they sell them everywhere. I've been through 7, and the latest one is the only one that's lasted. That's what counts for me. I wish brands that make cute purses made backpack-style purses that don't rip if they have to carry over 5 pounds. I've had people ask how much my purse weighs. About 8 pounds, 5 of which is my laptop and the charger. It's lighter than the big purses I see a lot of girls carrying.