Inflammation, dry skin, what worked for me... forums

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Jun 1, 2005
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Over the last month, my skin has been incredibly dry and sensitive. Whenever I'd apply cosmetics to it, even cosmetics I've never had any prior problems with, it would become red and inflamed and appear kind of swollen...I started using a 'beauty oil' everyday, by JASON, and the inflammation is completely gone. My skin is very even toned, more so than it is when I use peels and retin A, which I've started using every other day. The oil contains sunflower or safflower oil, vitamin E oils, rice bran oil, sweet almond oil, avocado oil, apricot and wheat germ oil. I even had an acne looking rash (a sprinking of literally twenty red pus filled tiny bumps) on my forehead which retin A wasn't clearing up, but this oil reduced the inflammation of and it dried up, in three days.

My sensitive skin loves this stuff!

Jason products are usually available at health food stores right? Thanks for posting.

I picked mine up in the grocery store, but in the health food department. So you can probably just find the products in that section of your local grocer, otherwise, yes, at a health food store.

I have also found that basic oils (almond, grapseed, jojoba) right out of the bottle and applied sparingly have done more for my skin than any moisturizer out there. Really helps alleviate the redness and peeling that I was getting with the moisturizers I was using and my renova.

I put some on my feet and cover them with socks at night to help there too.


Sounds like a great product-I love JASON stuff, will have to keep my eye out for it.

Thanks for sharing! My grocery store has a health food section, but no beauty products. I'll do a little digging. Thanks again!
