June 3, 2014: Do you apply face makeup after you do eye makeup, or before?

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Eye makeup is one of the most important part of your overall makeup look. A good eye makeup can completely enhance your beauty for the day. while talking about whether to put face makeup before or after face makeup, well I personally prefer to go for first starting up with face makeup and then moving towards eye makeup and then finally giving  a touch up at the end. However, I do have an article to share with you guys which can be helpful for you if you are really a beginner for eye makeup. Here is the lnk for the same


Do go through the link and let me know if it turns out  really effective for you or not.

I only apply foundation before eye makeup, rest of it is done after the eye makeup is complete. I do that because the rest of it is done according to my eyes. My lipstick shade is chosen according to the eye shadow.

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