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Im sure Id spend alot more if i was skinny, hahhaah. Oh well, i get to spend more on makeup

it definitely depends on what i am shopping for and how much money i have!! i'm not an impuslive buyer where i just see something and must have it (SOMETIMES im like that lol) but i don't like to because the money is pretty low these days

Cool thread!

I generally shop with a particular item or items in mind which tends to drive me bonkers because I can usually never find it. In addition, due to my recent weight gain, my shopping trips are infrequent. I get the blues after I've tried to many things on only to walk away with a colored tee shirt and a pair of boot cut jeans in the next size up. I would love to be able to make my own clothing and I swear one day I'll get back into sewing. It's just been sooooo long since I've sewn that I hardly remember how. I have so many visions.

At any rate, shoes are another story. Thank goodness my feet have never gotten "fat". Even when I was pregnant I was lucky not to swell.

I'm gearing towards building up my wardrobe to more basic items, as mentioned in a previous post if I find something I like I buy it in every color possible. I'm looking to drop 3 pant sizes, so my shopping is on hold.

I am a complete shopolic! Ok I spent 500 euro is the last 6 months on clothes, totally blew all my savings (I am 16 by the way!)! I shop for stupid reasons like oh I am going out to the cinema I need a new top! Haha I only match things up if I am getting an outfit for going out or something. I go all out when it comes to big things but normally I have a lot of radom styles in my closet!

I love shopping esp for clothes! I always ended up spending out of my budget because I'll buy whatever I like.

Originally Posted by ivette it all depends. sometimes i have an agenda, sometimes i don't. Me too!
Originally Posted by Jennifer since i gained weight, i only go when needed, sometimes not even then, unless i REALLY need it. I gained a little weight too, and I haven't gone shopping until I go back to my original weight, lol.
I love going shopping, but how much I buy and what I buy changes everytime I go. Sometimes if I'm in one of those.. shoppy moods I'll buy a whole bunch of stuff but then other times I'll just buy a few black things. Somehow lately my wardrobe has been getting less and less colourful. It used to be full of bright fun things but slowly I'm buying more and more black. Not on purpose though, I get home and realized everything I bought was black.. I guess it's sort of in part to the fact that cute colourful stuff can be hard to find at a low cost..
I never really go with an exact agenda..unless it's something that has come out and I want to look at it...

Sometimes I go shopping and just buy whatever I feel like, as long as it's on sale

Lately, though, I've always had an agenda to get something I need (though if I see something really cool on a sale rack I may pick it up anyway!), for example, right now I need some new capris and shorts since I just discovered my waist is an inch bigger now than it was last summer! lol (But I haven't had much free time to go shopping lately
) Earlier this year, I did a lot of shopping for clothes to wear to work since I just graduated and had a limited professional wardrobe!

However, if I like something that I don't have anything to go with it, I either buy something to go with it that day, or I don't buy it at all. My experience has been if I can't find something to go with it that day, I'll never find anything and then it just sits in my closet unworn! lol But usually, I just wear separates that are easy to match -- colored sweaters or button-ups with neutral colored pants and shoes for work, or any kind of shirt with jeans and boots or flip-flops for casual wear. Colored shoes and bags are fun, but I don't buy them unless I know I can wear them with several outfits. The only time I really worry about buying a coordinating "outfit" is when I want to get a colored or patterned skirt and I have to figure out what shirt to wear with it!

Originally Posted by Saja Im sure Id spend alot more if i was skinny, hahhaah. Oh well, i get to spend more on makeup Well, I am skinny and I keep thinking I would shop more if I weighed more! Misses sizes pants are always baggy on my non-existant hips, and Juniors sizes fit but aren't very professional or age-appropriate anymore
Maybe someday I will finally have a figure like a woman, I only hit puberty 15 years ago
I almost never go shopping with a particular garment in mind, unless it is an article that I have been wanting for a while. I generally just buy what I like, with no thought to what I have in my closet that will I go with it! I could probably better my wardrobe if I did this though.

I usually just go shop around. It's usually for work stuff, so it's pretty easy.

I just shop. lol

I don't usually shop with something in mind unless if I need a top for a special occasion or something. I window shop more than I buy though. I would buy alot more stuff if I were slimmer. I have seen some pretty reasonably priced and nice clothing that I would most definately buy, but I just don't have the body shape to carry it off so I have to give it a miss.

Sometimes I have something in mind but usually I dont. I dont really like clothes shopping because Ive always been self consious about my body. So half of my clothes are jeans and band T-shirts lol, but I LOVE shopping for makeup rather than clothes. Makeup doesnt tell you what size you need to wear and it makes you look pretty and polished. I definatley put makeup higher in priority than garments.

I am too picky. I will always, most of the time, pick something that just fits me right now, but if i gain anymore pounds it won't work. I ranther take the smaller size then one bigger.

i usally know what i want and spend hours running from shop to shop only to find that it does not exist
i really should start designing my own stuff. I usally buy stuff when the style comes around to one i like and buy lots of stuff.

i always go to view what is in the shops and try to have in my mind optical pic's of what i liked

then after i get home and get relaxed i recall those pic's and try to visualize it on my figure to choose what looks good on me

i hate trying clothes in shops

but for essentials like plain t-shirts i buy it without any former plans

i almost always shop alone. i like to take my time and i also hate when people encourage me to buy things just bc they fit. for me to buy something, i have to absolutely love the way it looks on me and i have to feel good & comfortable in it. also, i never really have an agenda when shopping. i am an impulse buyer in the worst way, particularly when it comes to shoes. when i had a palm pilot, before i lost it
i used to jot down notes of what i liked if i didn't have enough money to buy it all then, so i knew what to keep an eye out for when the sales hit, or so i could just go back & grab it in my size when i could buy it.

Mostly, I spend money on cosmetics :)

I always buy in bulks and spend a lot of money to get the souvenir/gifts with purchases.

My shopping habits usually depend on whether I go alone or whether I go with a friend. If I go alone then I tend to go agenda free - I look at what I want for as long as I want, I try on things, and every now and then I even splurge. If I go with a friend I tend to make sure we go into stores that both of us would enjoy - I try not to try on clothes as I don't want to make them wait for me (unless they are trying on things as well, or I really need help finding an outfit for a special occasion), and I watch out for my spending limit because no one likes to feel overwhelmed.
