Warning about Everyday Minerals!

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Nov 4, 2007
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For those of you who use Everyday Minerals, you may want to swatch test any new products before using them on your face. This former member of the EDM forum (which was removed by the company shortly after they promised it would always remain) reports that she had a terrible reaction to a new jar of Abbott's Concealer, which cost her $200 in dermatologist costs. Everyday Minerals denied any change in the formula even though, according to this customer, the two jars were tested by the dermatologist and only the new one caused a reaction.

Mineral Makeup Forums • Login One might hope that a company would express concern and sympathy when informed of such a situation, and investigate to make sure there wasn't an ongoing problem that could injure other customers, but they didn't seem to even consider the possibility.
You can read EDM's shocking and reprehensible response here:

Mineral Makeup Forums • Login I apologize that you may have to register to read the above posts. It will probably be posted on a public site eventually, and I'll edit this post with that link in the future.
But for anyone still using EDM products... you should definitely read the above and test any new products before using. Personally, I won't order from this horrible company ever again.

Here is a link to the update after the injured customer met with her lawyers:

Try to make a test on the skin of your forearm, so you can check if you have a reaction...

I read the thread about the "EDM Nightmare...". Scary... I have a lot of their products, probably I have to test all of them...

Hi Simi

רב תודות
, נכנסתי לשני הפורומים האלה, קומונות מכובדות מאוד, לא ידעתי שאצלינו מתעניינים באיפור מינרלי. אני גם יחסית "צעירה" בתחום...
Before all that problems with EDM will solved, I don't think I will order from them again... Really scary... I read all this thread about the drama of Hoyden... I can understand that their CS people are not so professional, ok... They are actually rude... In that case the owner or their manager can send them home or to some "training" to teach them how to treat the clients more effectively... but to deny the reformulation of their products that caused allergic reaction? And not to mention it on the product label... It is not so smart...

Isn't this true though with all cosmetics? You can have a reaction from something in it? Everyone has different skin types and what works for some doesn't work for others. Doesn't mean that they are intentionally trying to harm their customers. I'm not trying to defend any one company, but remember any product from any company can cause problems if someone has an allergy to something in it.

Originally Posted by akathegnat /img/forum/go_quote.gif Isn't this true though with all cosmetics? You can have a reaction from something in it? Everyone has different skin types and what works for some doesn't work for others. Doesn't mean that they are intentionally trying to harm their customers. I'm not trying to defend any one company, but remember any product from any company can cause problems if someone has an allergy to something in it. You are right, but this problem is not about the allergy... That girl (Hoyden) was using the same concealers before without any allergic reaction. She's bought the new ones (the same concealers!) and got a very bad reaction, her dermatologist made a test and found out that only the new versions of both concealers cause an allergy. So she e-mailed to EDM a very polite letter, explaining them the situation, asking if there was reformulation of these two products to check out which ingredient has caused her reaction... Their answer was more than rude, they said she is a liar, an idiot, they denied the fact of reformulation of the products, they said they are not responsible for her acne problem and they don't want to talk to her anymore... A really disgusting letter... And I understand that the new versions of these two concealers have caused the same reaction on other people... That is a problem, EDM is denying the fact of reformulation, they didn’t change the list of Ingredients, but they have changed the products. The dermatologist of Hoyden made a test of the old concealers and new ones, and her conclusion was – there were not the same products…
That's a problem if they are trying to hide something intentionally. I wasn't in anyway trying to be rude or uncaring.


I am really sorry if I've made an impression that you are uncaring... I just tryed to explain what happened (at least what I understand from this thread).

Originally Posted by akathegnat /img/forum/go_quote.gif Isn't this true though with all cosmetics? You can have a reaction from something in it? Everyone has different skin types and what works for some doesn't work for others. Doesn't mean that they are intentionally trying to harm their customers. I'm not trying to defend any one company, but remember any product from any company can cause problems if someone has an allergy to something in it. I agree. I used BE foundation for years without an issue. Then one winter it just wreaked havoc on my skin- it itched and burned and made my eye lids all red and scaly. They didn't change the formula but apparently my skin no longer liked it. If EDM did change the formula, they really should let customers know. Sometimes it can just be something as simple as the ratios of ingredients. I know I can't take high zinc oxide in MMU

Originally Posted by Galia /img/forum/go_quote.gif You are right, but this problem is not about the allergy... That girl (Hoyden) was using the same concealers before without any allergic reaction. She's bought the new ones (the same concealers!) and got a very bad reaction, her dermatologist made a test and found out that only the new versions of both concealers cause an allergy. So she e-mailed to EDM a very polite letter, explaining them the situation, asking if there was reformulation of these two products to check out which ingredient has caused her reaction... Their answer was more than rude, they said she is a liar, an idiot, they denied the fact of reformulation of the products, they said they are not responsible for her acne problem and they don't want to talk to her anymore... A really disgusting letter... And I understand that the new versions of these two concealers have caused the same reaction on other people... That is a problem, EDM is denying the fact of reformulation, they didn’t change the list of Ingredients, but they have changed the products. The dermatologist of Hoyden made a test of the old concealers and new ones, and her conclusion was – there were not the same products… Exactly! Thank you for explaining the situation so well. It wasn't just a random allergic reaction to a product... it was supposed to be the exact same product, and only the new one causes a severe reaction - even when tested side by side by a dermatologist. EDM refused to admit that they changed it in any way, and their response to the injured person was incredibly offensive.

Originally Posted by Hoozey /img/forum/go_quote.gif I agree. I used BE foundation for years without an issue. Then one winter it just wreaked havoc on my skin- it itched and burned and made my eye lids all red and scaly. They didn't change the formula but apparently my skin no longer liked it. If EDM did change the formula, they really should let customers know. Sometimes it can just be something as simple as the ratios of ingredients. I know I can't take high zinc oxide in MMU

Unfortunately EDM has previously changed ingredients without properly updating the label to reflect the change. It was discussed on the forum they ended up removing, very soon after they promised it would always be there.
They also send out jars that can be anywhere from 10% to 45% empty and refuse to do anything about it other than give out bogus excuses. One customer dis-service rep says it's from shipping and you just have to shake them vigorously and the jars will magically be filled. Then the next rep says, oh no - you shook them?!! That's why they're almost have empty... you compacted the powder even more. Total BS.

Originally Posted by Hoozey /img/forum/go_quote.gif I agree. I used BE foundation for years without an issue. Then one winter it just wreaked havoc on my skin- it itched and burned and made my eye lids all red and scaly. They didn't change the formula but apparently my skin no longer liked it. If EDM did change the formula, they really should let customers know. Sometimes it can just be something as simple as the ratios of ingredients. I know I can't take high zinc oxide in MMU

I thought I read somewhere that BM foundations added bismuth oxychloride in it?
Changing ingredients without labeling the products or posting it on the site is VERY dangerous and highly unprofessional on EDM's part!

Originally Posted by mk12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Exactly! Thank you for explaining the situation so well. It wasn't just a random allergic reaction to a product... it was supposed to be the exact same product, and only the new one causes a severe reaction - even when tested side by side by a dermatologist. EDM refused to admit that they changed it in any way, and their response to the injured person was incredibly offensive.

Unfortunately EDM has previously changed ingredients without properly updating the label to reflect the change. It was discussed on the forum they ended up removing, very soon after they promised it would always be there.

They also send out jars that can be anywhere from 10% to 45% empty and refuse to do anything about it other than give out bogus excuses. One customer dis-service rep says it's from shipping and you just have to shake them vigorously and the jars will magically be filled. Then the next rep says, oh no - you shook them?!! That's why they're almost have empty... you compacted the powder even more. Total BS.

I like your use of "customer dis- service rep" LOL I find that being up front with people, even if you make a mistake, is the better way to go! I recently got a notice from the gas company for me to contact them. Apparently they stopped billing us when they had changed out the meter a little while ago, so they just wanted to let me know that the next bill was going to be large and just call them if I need to set up payments since they messed up. I appreciate their being upfront about the mistake and possibly saved me freaking out when the bill came. LOL

Originally Posted by Kagrish /img/forum/go_quote.gif I thought I read somewhere that BM foundations added bismuth oxychloride in it?
The original formula definitely has Bismuth Oxychloride-- I used it for many years w/out issue but then had reaction (probably because my skin is getting drier as I get older) Actually how I found MuT was because of this issue and my search for new mineral foundation LOL
We don't know for sure if the ingredients really changed or if it is just a reaction that this particular person had though, right?

It's possible that the newer concealers had more of an ingredient that she's allergic to, causing her to have a noticeable reaction. It could just mean that their batches are inconsistent as opposed to them actually changing the formula.

And as far as the loose minerals coming with 10% to 45% empty space, loose minerals will settle quite a bit. Also, they do say on their website that the filling of the jars is automated, so the amount of product may vary some.

Honestly, I think either of these problems could be encountered with any cosmetics company.

However, their treatment of the customer is not right. It's never ok to call a customer names.

Yes, we can't know for sure they changed the ingredients or mislabeled the product (both happened before, they admitted it on the forum) or had a bad batch (it happens and can happen to anyone no matter how good your quality control is, but they had a contaminated batch last year, I don't know exactly when, and now they insist it could never ever happen to them). It is possible neither happened - their batches are inconsistent. I agree all of this can happen to any company, what's important is how they deal with the problems and how they treat their customers (awfully in this case).

However, I don't think sending jars with huge air pockets to a group order was OK. Air pockets had never been so big - only in this case of a group order. Also, in a response to customers' complaints they said to shake the jars - that the jars would become fuller, then some people did that and nothing changed, and they responded in another e-mail that we shouldn't have shaken the jars, that it's the reason there's less product.

One more thing, there are at least three people who had a reaction - allergic, no breaking out as EDM suggested in their e-mails, though only one of them had to go to a doctor.

People need to be extra careful while shopping for makeup and skin care products. This is where the expert and user review comes handy.



this is scary, although i have been happy with EDM. but i will definitely do a test patch when i open my new packs. thanks for the tip guys!

Hi Ladies - I thought I should add in here that I did have laboratory testing done that confirmed that the formulations had changed, but the labels had not.  

Please write about it here and then, if you take direct content from your blog, then source it with a hyperlinks.  Please don't just say read about it more on my blog.


Originally Posted by Hoyden /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hi Ladies - I thought I should add in here that I did have laboratory testing done that confirmed that the formulations had changed, but the labels had not.  


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