A quick comparison of MMU prices...

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Originally Posted by Jiro /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well no, Fyrinnae's jars of foundation are at least 18 grams in weight (the Superpower is closer to 20) because of the way the jars are filled. The product is tapped down after each "scoop" to settle the powder, and filled until each one cannot possibly hold any more, then more is poured on top of the sifter.
I think a lot of companies that have packed makeup do it this way except for putting the makeup on top of the sifter. If they don't do the tapping, then the makeup will settle and the jar won't be as full once the customer gets the product. Of course, I really don't know the packaging process of other companies, I just know what we do and make assumptions. And we know what they do!
Originally Posted by katnahat /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have a question. Aubrey Nicole is listed as 9.5 grams @ $12.00 on the list. On their website it states "Full 30 gram jar" on the foundations. What is the actual net weight? Did they say why 30 grams is on the website? To be more precise, I think they should rather refer that to be a 30ml jar. I think why it's called this way is that it has a capacity of 30ml water (which weights 30g). Sometimes I find the whole 'gram-volume' thing to be very confusing, and I often have to look at the descriptions a few times to be certain which gram the company's refering to.

(now I need to post more to see the chart!

That's coolio! Thanks! You should add Urban Decay... Best MMU around IMHO

THANKS! This makes researching different brands so much easier! Price isn't **everything,** but it's definitely a factor!

What a great idea. This just served to solidify my intent to order from Meow.

Originally Posted by periwinkle_sky /img/forum/go_quote.gif Thanks, this is great! Affordable MMU is the least affordable? Wow
I know, that gave me a chuckle too.
This is wonderful --thanks so much!

I finally gave up trying to remember jar sizes and amounts, and took one each the 3-g, 5-g, 10-g, 20-g, and 30-g jars and labeled them with the size in grams. I keep them in a drawer of my vanity so I can refer to them when trying to figure out what to buy next... I've also pulled all the "our jars hold this much" info from various sites, and am trying to reconcile them... If I do, I'll post them here -- but right now it's still very confusing... One site says a 20-g jar holds 2 TB and another says 2 tsp.


Hi Donthate,

I really find your chart helpful. So, in case you are still updating your chart,

Barefaced mineral has decreased their price for Velvet Matte/Velvet Plush from $26 to $19.85 for 30 gm (10gm powder) and from $22.50 to 15.35 for 20 gm (7gm powder).

Lumiere has increased their price from $16 to $18 (shipping included though).

Originally Posted by mauwong /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hi Donthate,
I really find your chart helpful. So, in case you are still updating your chart,

Barefaced mineral has decreased their price for Velvet Matte/Velvet Plush from $26 to $19.85 for 30 gm (10gm powder) and from $22.50 to 15.35 for 20 gm (7gm powder).

Lumiere has increased their price from $16 to $18 (shipping included though).

I updated with the details you gave.
I also added Urban Decay. If anyone else wants something added or has updates definitely let me know!
Thanks. I've been ordering so many samples lately it occurred to me that I ought to find out what the price ranges were when I finally found something that would become my HG. You've done all my work for me!!!!!

maybe you could extend this into e/s, blushes, etc? or at least list the places that have refill baggies with the amounts and prices, such as aubrey nicole. i had some of my favorite companies written down but lost it all somewhere. im currently wearing everydayminerals with taylor made e/s. but i am looking to check out aubrey nicole especially now that i see the price difference.

Originally Posted by LittleJade /img/forum/go_quote.gif I noticed the irony of that too!
Me three!
Originally Posted by donthate /img/forum/go_quote.gif I made a little chart comparing the prices of mineral foundations from a bunch of different companies just to see where you get the most for your money. I tried to list different formulas and different prices. The first list is in alphabetical order and the second is by price per gram as listed on their website or found by my contacting the company.
What do you guys think?

so nice of you!!!!
thank you.. but I find somthing funny.

the afordable its shuld to be very cheap and its the most pricy..

funny or not??

donthate, thanks so much for sharing...i intended to make sth alike some time ago but i havn´t enough stamina *g*



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