Thanks everyone! I love looking at everyone's notepad's and seeing what kind of makeup they have. It helps when I'm buying some new stuff. lol.
I need to figure out hwo to do diffrent color combos though. I'm stuck with doing just greens, or just blues.
Tony: Yeah, I like the clickable pop up for my pics. My bf is a programmer, so he's helping me learn HTML and told me how to do that tag. And yes, Monterey is pretty. It's a tourist town though. Not too much to do besides go to the overpriced restaurants or go to bars/clubs, which I do't go to. When there is good weather during the spring/summer, I like to go fishing though! lol. I've never been to Newport Beach though. Farthest south I've been was Santa Barbara.
Envy: Thanks! I'm forever plucking my eyebrows to make them looks nice. They're a tad mis-shaped because of the shape of each eyebrow and how the hair grows. Bugs the hell out of me! lol