Anyone else that's pretty much "over" MAC? forums

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I understand what you're saying, I can't say that i'm completely over MAC. It's just a few select items that catch my eye. I may pick up the Manish Arora e/s palette, because I don't have any of those e/s. But so far, I haven't had the urge to buy any of the collections...last big haul I bought from MAC was from the Heatherette line. I bought a few things from Naughty Nauticals like lippies and one pigment, that's all from the regular counters. I only do big MAC hauls if I go to the cco! lol

I still like MAC, but I've never loved everything from them and I definitely don't like to limit myself to just MAC. I have noticed that I'm not so interested in their perm line (I've gotten most of thing things I am interested in) and their latest collections don't appeal to me (like Cult of Cherry). However, I'm still going to pay attention to the collections and get whatever I like.

for me, they're just too expensive, but having sooo many collections in such a short time has turned me off.

And, as the others said, there are many much cheaper dupes out there from other brands. I certainly wouldn't limit myself to only mac. Sure, there are colours that appeal to me and if I had more money there are lots of things I'd like to buy, but I'm not interested enough to save up and purchase anything

I have some MAC stuff, but it was never a line I was able to get into. First of all, as a working makeup artist I totally HATE what they represent as a company and second, the whole "limited edition", "re-promotes" or "re-issues" gimmick is a cheap ploy to get people to think they have to buy it right then and there otherwise they'll never see it again... I have no respect for that. I own 2 eye-shadows from the Moonbathe Collection and was given another 2 just recently from the Neo Sci-Fi collection - I'm NOT joking: SAME EXACT COLORS.

There are so many other lines out there that are SOOO much better. I will preach this till I'm blue in the face: Make Up For Ever, NARS, Kevyn Aucoin, & Shu Uemura are the REAL thing. MAC will never compare to these lines.

I've never bought any MAC stuff, and the only place I know of that sells MAC is about 45mins+ away from me. I like Urban Decay stuff a lot. The colors are so bold and look great together so I've been buying mostly UD e/s. I also like the colors of L'Oreal HIP duos. They're really cute.

I am starting to lose interest in MAC and am discovering MUFE. I find the quality seems to be better with MUFE

I only own a few mac items because I wanted to try out there products because of the hype. I could only get them with money given to me for my birthday but I think that mac is too expensive and overrated. I love the new drugstore stuff that has been coming out, some of the brands have products that are new and similar to mac.

Originally Posted by banapple /img/forum/go_quote.gif I don't think I was ever into MAC lol, some of their collections look pretty but honestly most of them look the same~ i did like electro flash...but I've never bought that many MAC items to begin with so it's like whatever for me haha Ditto!
I do like my Mac, but I will only now get it if it comes out of the US unless I absolutely need it now. It's just too expensive here in Aus. I do have a couple of Neo SciFi pieces but all in all I am not so much into the collections, I tend to buy the colours that appeal to me.

I'm a mineral girl, not a MAC girl. The only things I have from MAC are 2 skinfinishes and Lipglosses (because THOSE are wonderful.)

I used to LOVE MAC, I was one of those girls that thought it was the be all and end all of make up, it was the best and that's it. Thank the lord I got over that lol I still use MAC and still like to buy it every now and then, but I'm not one of those girls who has to buy SOMETHING from every collection. I also agree with what a lot of others have said, the collections come out too often, it's hard to keep up with it all.

I only started getting into makeup in Feb. of this year. Before that, I never even heard of MAC or a lot of the other big name brands. However, coming to sites like this and watching gurus on youtube really hyped them up to me. I went a little overboard and bought a lot of stuff from them. However, I'm getting bored with it (and a lot of other stuff). The collections are popping up every other week it seems, and I (and my wallet) can't keep up with that. I'm cooling it on MAC for awhile now and on other stuff too. I plan to only replace stuff that I use and liked.

Originally Posted by emily_3383 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I dont understand why some people feel the need to buy something every time a collection comes out. Hype.I read this thread in Specktra about it - it was pretty interesting, like the whole history about MAC/Collections and crap. Many members where like, "oh... I don't give into temptation blah blah blah and buy what I need." but then you see them hauling everything from the latest collection. Haha.

Honestly, especially with Cult of Cherry or whatever it is... I notice they just to buy just to buy. Like, would they REALLY wear that brown lipstick, or that blue... or even the bright purples? Collecting dust item. And there's a lot that do go crazy over them because they're LE. In the end, it's their own money but Hype definitely plays a roll in things.

I can never justify buying a lot of similar color - swatch on your hand, its a tiny bit different. Placed on your lid and blend - all looks the same.

and blah blah hush celly...

You know I have been wondering about whether or not to even get anything from the Hello Kitty collection if they have it. I was so excited when I first heard about it, but then I thought would I even care if it wasn't Hello Kitty?

I like MAC but I don't go crazy buying their stuff. Just occasional once in a while and only when I really like, want and need it. Although I did purchase a little bit of their e/s collection but that was like 2 years ago.

Recently I only purchased the MSF duo and the new blush because I needed it. I think that was my most recent MU purchased in a few months.

I only liked a few things from MAC. The blush brush and the 187.

Used to like a blush of theirs but I've since found many others that I love and MAC's quality can't even compare with the quality of those so now I don't pick up my MAC blush anymore. I do love the lipglosses Flashmode, Beaux and the gold one but I've been away from the counters so long I don't even know if they're discon. The only thing I'm using from MAC right now is the lip conditioner (tub) in Petting Pink and the brushes.

I have to travel quite far to get to a MAC counter so I only ever went when I knew there was a new collection that wowed me. There's not been anything that looks really amazing out lately so I haven't bothered. I used to get all the pigments but the new ones are of such low quality compared to what the used to be.

I won't say that I won't buy MAC but I'm not going out of my way to buy it. If I'm somewhere with a counter then I'll have a look.

TBH i never buy from the "collections" I ussually just get something thats permanent and create my own looks. But yeah the prices are kind of annoying. Now that I work for a makeup company and get employee discount I only buy stuff from there.

dang.. and u got tons of mac stuff

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif The last few collections haven't jumped at me. I honestly think the last thing I bought anything from was Fafi, although I did snag two e/s from Neo Sci-Fi from a friend, and I'm getting two mineral blushes in swaps.
I think the novelty of MAC has just worn off on me. I'm finding I prefer NARS, Stila and Bobbi Brown much more now, as well as Laura Mercier. MAC has way too many collections anymore which just seem to be full of repromotes.

Anyone else feeling like this? Where you're either totally over MAC, or it's just the very select few items that catch your eye?

(Of course, the MSFs and pigments will always be definite purchases by me LOL!)

Yep, I haven't bought anything from Mac for ages, they just haven't had anything that excited me.


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