they have great recipes and people can write reviews, so I usually don't try any recipe that isn't highly rated and reviewed many times to avoid a bad recipe.
this one is more of a "flan" in terms of consistency, but is really good and easy to bake. it's a recipe from Martinique, a french isle.
you will need (4-6 servings) :
1L milk
3 eggs
10 slices of bread (sweet bread or brioche)
150g powder coconut
100g (4 oz) sugar
100g butter
1 vanilla bean
boil the milk with the vanilla bean. blend the bread until powder. remove the milk from the fire, then add the powdery bread. and stir. wait until the bread has absorbed all the milk. melt the butter in a pan (low heat). then add the coconut, the eggs and the sugar. then finally add them in the milk+bread blend. grease a pan (usually we use a fruit cake pan) and put everything in the pan. let cook in the oven (preheated) for 40 minutes at 200°C(about 350°F).
you can either put a light layer of caramel in the pan and put it in the fridge until the caramel has hardened (before adding the rest), or you can coat it with caramel before serving.
i found a very close and more cakey version on, here's the link.