April 2014 No/Low-Buy Support, Advice, Free Hugs, and Commiseration

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I have *all* of the cranky right now.  We're still short-staffed at work, and all of us are completely glazed and ready to snap.  I have realized that I get very BUY ALL THE COLORS when I get overworked and overtired.  That UD Ocho Loco 2 set looks *perfectly reasonable* to buy.  I'm working all sorts of overtime, and I get paid time and a half for it, so why not buy NYX cream blush sticks in every color?  I have a code for a free UD liner since I didn't get one during my actual birthday month, so I'm trying to decide what to get along with my carved-in-stone Corrupt liner that I *almost* ordered from Sephora a few days ago to get the Guerlain Meteorites (and then the SummerStash came out, so that happened instead).  Yes, I'm supposed to be on a no-acquisition, but I DON'T CARE this week.  I'm going to try to haul my burned-out carcass to Sephora tomorrow after work and swatch the lipsticks to see what I want more before I order:  Lipstick, lip color pencil, or eyeliner.  And now I'm going to stress-browse on Birchbox and see what I think I need right now.  And watch _Glee_ on Hulu because there's no way I will be able to follow _True Detective_ (and fight with my internet connection) in this condition. (I *am* resisting the Ocho Loco 2 set that is currently on clearance on UD, mainly because it turns out that you have to buy at least one *full-priced* item to get the free birthday liner, and that somehow makes me not want OL2.)
I'm watching Glee on Hulu right now! I love that they've brought most of the original cast back for recent episodes. I'm doing a lot of closet/room/stash reorganization right now which is helping me resist wanting all the spring pretties. I am cranky today after finding out that BB took away 200 points (100 per account), which is happening to a lot of people who used the SFBB100 code, but still. Grr. Big hugs to everyone who has had a rough time lately! I hope everything works out! And that there will be makeup and other pretties to cheer you on the days that things go crazy!
Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm watching Glee on Hulu right now! I love that they've brought most of the original cast back for recent episodes.

I'm doing a lot of closet/room/stash reorganization right now which is helping me resist wanting all the spring pretties. I am cranky today after finding out that BB took away 200 points (100 per account), which is happening to a lot of people who used the SFBB100 code, but still. Grr.

Big hugs to everyone who has had a rough time lately! I hope everything works out! And that there will be makeup and other pretties to cheer you on the days that things go crazy!
AND THEN they did the number in front of Sephora and Duane Reade.  DOES NOT HELP, GLEE.  As a side note, I'm still cranky, but now I'm so utterly exhausted that I'm seriously considering going to bed now rather than when I'm done with this episode.  It's 8:30.  SO TIRED.  On the up side, tired = don't even want to look at things to buy.

Quote: Originally Posted by lioness90 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I finally worked up the courage to cancel Birchbox. I love that subscription but I'm moving next month and need to cut back.
Way to go!  I was sad when I let my subscription run out, but have not missed it since then.  You're doing great.

I am frustrated.  I have been doing really good with my low/no-buy but the past couple days I have been wanting to buy things.  I don't even want/need anything specific.  I just haven't bought anything in a while and want something new.  I have worked so much overtime this month and was excited for the extra money but now I won't even really have any.  I have to get an MRI and I haven't met the deductible on my insurance yet so it's going to be $500.  They're a payment plan option available but still, I really don't want to pay $500 for a dumb MRI, I would much rather save it or put it towards my student loans.  Seems like every month there is something new!  Now I definitely shouldn't buy anything but I still want to.

Quote: Originally Posted by saycrackagain /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The no-buy is getting hard. The only unnecessary things I have bought this year are a nail polish I had my eye on and two colored mascaras, all of which were on clearance and cost less than $5 total. But now I'm like, BUY ALL THE THINGS!!! Then I remember that I've been hit with an unexpected $600 that is due in three weeks, car tab renewal, a medical bill, and my student loans and home insurance have to start being repaid in the next couple months. So, there is no way I can spend even a dollar on something that I don't need right now. Hopefully, by the end of summer I will be able to start saving money again instead of spending it! But considering it's already been a 4.5-month no-buy, thinking of waiting ANOTHER five months is just exhausting!
You've been at the no-buy for almost five months!  That alone is impressive.  I know how you feel about the unexpected expenses though, has happened to me for the past two months.  Hopefully, the next couple of weeks/months will be better!

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have *all* of the cranky right now.  We're still short-staffed at work, and all of us are completely glazed and ready to snap.  I have realized that I get very BUY ALL THE COLORS when I get overworked and overtired.  That UD Ocho Loco 2 set looks *perfectly reasonable* to buy.  I'm working all sorts of overtime, and I get paid time and a half for it, so why not buy NYX cream blush sticks in every color?  I have a code for a free UD liner since I didn't get one during my actual birthday month, so I'm trying to decide what to get along with my carved-in-stone Corrupt liner that I *almost* ordered from Sephora a few days ago to get the Guerlain Meteorites (and then the SummerStash came out, so that happened instead).  Yes, I'm supposed to be on a no-acquisition, but I DON'T CARE this week.  I'm going to try to haul my burned-out carcass to Sephora tomorrow after work and swatch the lipsticks to see what I want more before I order:  Lipstick, lip color pencil, or eyeliner.  And now I'm going to stress-browse on Birchbox and see what I think I need right now.  And watch _Glee_ on Hulu because there's no way I will be able to follow _True Detective_ (and fight with my internet connection) in this condition.

(I *am* resisting the Ocho Loco 2 set that is currently on clearance on UD, mainly because it turns out that you have to buy at least one *full-priced* item to get the free birthday liner, and that somehow makes me not want OL2.)
I'm a stress shopper too :C I've been able to successfully keep to a no-buy/low-buy since January, but this month I just have not been able to resist anything. I am blaming this partly on the stress of buying a home and partly on the stress of work -- we're also understaffed, and it's getting everyone down in the dumps and cranky as hell. Unfortunately, I've been putting in extra hours but I'm "technically" salary (even though I get paid an hourly rate, really), so overtime is not acknowledged. It's not that bad, considering how much paid time off we get and how lenient my boss is when something happens that requires a lot of time out of the office... but still, it's getting very stressful and it has everyone on their last straws of patience.

All this added stress has had me doing 2 things: sleeping a lot to forget about waking life, and shopping... sigh. 

I got paid today, and I'm realllllyyyyy too tired to be at work so I've been browsing.. but so far successfully not making purchases. 
It's easy to justify spending since my account is all full of fresh monies.... but I am going to resist. 

I get paid tomorrow! And all my money is going to student loans - woohooo!!!! Not. Anyways I need to watch my spending this weekend as express has 40% off right now and I'm planning on doing some shopping with one of my friends. But I don't plan on going out drinking so I won't be spending too much.

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her
I'm so sorry for your loss. Huge hugs <3
Quote: Originally Posted by MIKAGlam /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her
Sorry to hear that, stay strong! It sounds like you had a long and wonderful time together. 

Quote: Originally Posted by MIKAGlam /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her

How heartbreaking, I'm so sorry for your loss. 

Quote: Originally Posted by MIKAGlam /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her
Hugs, so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is so hard. 

Quote: Originally Posted by MIKAGlam /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her
I'm so sorry to hear! Hugs, hugs, and more hugs!

Quote: Originally Posted by MIKAGlam /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her

Internet hugs
(imagine these emojis look sympathetic)

But I applaud you for seeing the makeup buying as a temporary fix and not a solution to grieving. 19 years is a long time and I hope you find a good way to bring closure to what must have been great memories.

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her
I'm so so sorry about your loss! Big hugs for you!
I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her
I am so sorry :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> pets are family, and sometimes the best family. Hang in there!!
Quote: Originally Posted by MIKAGlam /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her
So sorry to hear. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I had to put the dog I have had since I was 3 down today. Normally I would go and buy makeup as a temporary fix. Im struggling. Im just trying to think positive. I had 19 good years with her
sorry for your loss!

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