Are some people just not suited to deep red or fire engine red lippies? forums

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Bear in mind if your teeth are less than pearly white, warm reds (reds with orange undertones) will make your less-than-white teeth more apparent, while blue reds will make less-than-white teeth look whiter.
I have noticed this too. My teeth are white, but not chemically whitened (they have a "natural" white) and blue reds make my teeth seem sparkling, snow white.

I found the opposite to be true when it comes to pinks. Blue toned light pinks make my teeth look more yellow  <_< .But I still wear them because I love that color  :blush2: .

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I agree with the mantra "there's a red for everyone".  Now, for me, the color "true red" (Pantone 19-1664), which is lacking in any shages of blue, green, etc., looks terrible on me.  My skin is a light pink/reddish undertones, and something so devoid of anything but red clashes with it.  However, "deeper" reds look fabulous with my skin.

I personally prefer dark burgundy reds on myself  or pinkish reds

Red reds like Ruby woo on me just look OTT on me i feel. 

Not a big fan of MAC ruby woo even though many pple like it.

I think everyone can wear red, depending on the tone and shade, just that you have to find a shade or tone which u feel comfortable with


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