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For some reason, I am liking Janelle and want her to stay in the game. If Kaysar wins the POV, it would be better to put Sarah up because then she would be breaking up a couple who could win more. Besides, Sarah is useless. Even James said so.

Well i hope everyone enjoy's the US BB. As a fan myself ive watched almost every show but it wont take much to beat this years Uk BB.

Two of my three favorite people are up for eviction. That sucks! I can't believe that Sarah won the POV. James is such a sleaze and totally talking crap about his own girl. The more I see James, the more I don't like him. I really want Janelle & Kaysar to make it to the end but I don't see how that could happen now. I wonder what the big surprise is? I think if I had to chose between Janelle and Kaysar, I would pick Kaysar to stay in the house.

Why is Ivette crying over Cappy? I thought she was a lesbian. She is crying and carrying on like she had a little sumthing sumthing going on with Cappy.

Howie...I adore him.:icon_love

Shit shit shit!!! I hate Maggie SO much...I really really don't want to see Kaysar OR Janelle go, but I'll be more upset if Kaysar leaves for sure. He so deserves to stay more than anyone else. And Ivette calling him a "bad guy" is just stupid. And I loved James' move and then Maggie saying he was immoral(which is true I suppose, but he was trying to save his butt!). Here's hoping James gets HoH next week(or Sarah who'd do anything James wanted), or the person who escapes eviction. Or Howie! I will definitely be sad if Kaysar's gone. He's such a sweet guy and I just think he's awesome.

Edit: I didn't see your post! I guess we posted pretty close together. I only disagree w/ you with the James part. He's really intelligent. Kind of...corrupt. But intelligent nonetheless. He could do some damage to the other side and that's what I want to see!

Also, my theory was that they'd have a competition for the people who lost their partners and one or two people could win their partners back(since Julie kept hinting "Anything can happen!!!"), but if Kaysar or Janelle leaves that kind of screws up my theory. And they'd be the ones I'd want to come back!

Missed it so I'm gonna recap on the site.

Originally Posted by Marisol

Two of my three favorite people are up for eviction. That sucks! I can't believe that Sarah won the POV. James is such a sleaze and totally talking crap about his own girl. The more I see James, the more I don't like him. I really want Janelle & Kaysar to make it to the end but I don't see how that could happen now. I wonder what the big surprise is? I think if I had to chose between Janelle and Kaysar, I would pick Kaysar to stay in the house.
Why is Ivette crying over Cappy? I thought she was a lesbian. She is crying and carrying on like she had a little sumthing sumthing going on with Cappy.

Howie...I adore him.:icon_love

DITTO Marisol. 2 of my favs are up. Naggie needs to be smoked out. Kaysar wilkl be voted off and Janelle will stay. Janelle needs to avenge it.
My hate list right now: Ivette, Naggie, and April

WTF is up with Ivette with the thing all about Cappy? GET OVER HIM, he's is gone. Move on with playing the game, WHY DONTCHA. sheesh

James/Sarah/Janelle/Howie/Rachel need to win HOH next and get Naggie up on that block

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<hr noshade="noshade" size="1"> CBS enlists 'Big Brother' fans' help

Tue Aug 02, 4:31 AM ET

Beginning Thursday, fans of CBS' "Big Brother 6" can affect what happens on the screen using their mobile phone or computer.

Host Julie Chen will unveil the new America's Choice feature and explain how to vote via text messaging or online at These votes will be tabulated within a specified time after each broadcast.

Besides voting, audience members can download mobile phone wallpaper images of their chosen contestant from a selection especially photographed for this application. Ringtones also will be available for $1.99 by following texting instructions shown occasionally on the television screen.

Additionally, those who choose to join a "CBS Mobile Team" will receive more mobile offers as the show progresses.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

I am so mad. Of the two, I would have preferred that James left and now that isn't going to happen. My man Kaysar will probably leave. I like Janelle too, but Kasar is my favorite. James is a snake, but he will surely kick some butt! Naggie is getting on my nerves! She is so full of it when Sarah got the veto and she said she hasn't decided who she is going to put up! Yeh right! As for Americas choice, I think Sarah will win. And Ivette! Puleeze! She has known Crappy for what, about 3 weeks and now she can't live without him. She is pitiful. I love how James double crossed her (not hard to do) and told her he would put Maggie up after all if he wins hoh. I would love it if they sent Micheal back in the house. After all, it is the summer of secrets!

Agggghhhhh! I'm always a day behind on Tuesday's BB because I'm on ambulance duty and have to tape it. We watched last night and I'm so upset.

Looks like Kaysar is going to go! Noooooooooo!
I really like him and want him to stay in the game. I think there is an outside chance that Janelle might go and that is fine with me.

I can't belive Ivette went on and on about Eric like that. She's acting like he died or something. You'll see him again in a few weeks, get over it! Sheesh!

The more I see of James, the more of a jerk he is. I know it's a game, but can he keep his lies straight? My goodness. He's going to get himself in big trouble with that.

Anyway, here's hoping that Kaysar stays in the house!

I kind of disagree about the James thing. He's not my favorite person, but I do like him a little. about the lies- think of the really big lie he told Kaysar...and with that, he gained some great allies. If people told Sarah that he said he'd rather play without her(which he said because he didn't want people putting Sarah up next to him if Kaysar got veto, he thought if they thought he didn't care, that they'd put up someone else), Sarah would believe James. Even if she didn't, he has an easy excuse for that one. And, hell, serves Ivette right! Though now she thinks she and her team have the highest morals and piety...I don't get that. James is going to raise some hell and I love it!!! One of the group needs to get HoH tonight. I really really hope it isn't a tie or anything tonight...Maggie would just love to be able to evict Kaysar herself. Blegh.

Oh man! What an episode. I was bummed that Kaysar was voted out but if they were smart they would have realized that he was their biggest threat. But with this new secret out, I hope he comes back. I am so freaking glad that Howie won HOH. I think that Rachel gave it to him. She sort of hesitated on the last question. Yay! I hope he puts Ivette and Naggie up for eviction.

By the way, my favorite number is 3

Originally Posted by Marisol

Oh man! What an episode. I was bummed that Kaysar was voted out but if they were smart they would have realized that he was their biggest threat. But with this new secret out, I hope he comes back. I am so freaking glad that Howie won HOH. I think that Rachel gave it to him. She sort of hesitated on the last question. Yay! I hope he puts Ivette and Naggie up for eviction.
By the way, my favorite number is 3

I voted prolly 40 times for #3. Kaysar to come BACK in the house. What chances do you think that AMERICA will vote the oompa loompa back in?

I hope that the midget doesn't come back. Did you see how they (BB) focused it on him. I don't think that Michal has a chance in hell to win it.

Originally Posted by Marisol

I hope that the midget doesn't come back. Did you see how they (BB) focused it on him. I don't think that Michal has a chance in hell to win it.

Right after you vote, use the browser back button and vote again
Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Right after you vote, use the browser back button and vote again I voted through my cellphone and they charged my .49 cents.
Yay for Howie! Boo for Kaysar leaving! Oh my gosh...if Eric comes back, I won't watch it anymore, I'd be too pissed off. I wonder why Ashlea left where she was sequestered? Maybe family issues or something. Poor Janelle looked really upset that Maggie had a chance to get her partner back, but she didn't..well, she could get Kaysar at least. I'm voting for him now!!! As many times as possible! Oh man...Maggies face if Kaysar came back would be hilarious! Though she'd probably cry and I'd feel bad. Oh, well. I liked how Sarah and Howie and Janelle were like "KAYSAR!!!" when they were telling America how they wanted us to vote.

Originally Posted by Blondtgr

Yay for Howie! Boo for Kaysar leaving! Oh my gosh...if Eric comes back, I won't watch it anymore, I'd be too pissed off. I wonder why Ashlea left where she was sequestered? Maybe family issues or something. Poor Janelle looked really upset that Maggie had a chance to get her partner back, but she didn't..well, she could get Kaysar at least. I'm voting for him now!!! As many times as possible! Oh man...Maggies face if Kaysar came back would be hilarious! Though she'd probably cry and I'd feel bad. Oh, well. I liked how Sarah and Howie and Janelle were like "KAYSAR!!!" when they were telling America how they wanted us to vote.

I saw that!!!! (Kaysar yelling). I agree, NAGGIE would be like WTF, if Kaysar came back in. Eric was a drama queen and needs to stay out.
Howie is a PERFECT HOH. That means, Janelle and Rachel are safe. Will he put up James for being a prick?

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) I saw that!!!! (Kaysar yelling). I agree, NAGGIE would be like WTF, if Kaysar came back in. Eric was a drama queen and needs to stay out.
Howie is a PERFECT HOH. That means, Janelle and Rachel are safe. Will he put up James for being a prick?

im back i was gone in orlando for about a week well anyways im xcited to post again! i watched BB and i am loving James hes soooooo smart and Howie whattta doll i am so glad he is HOH and i hope michael comes back cuz then all hell will break lose....again lol or kaysar but if troll comes back i think i might shit my pants!!!!! i loved how everyone made fun of him by walking on their knees i almost died lol!
Originally Posted by Tony(admin) I voted prolly 40 times for #3. Kaysar to come BACK in the house. What chances do you think that AMERICA will vote the oompa loompa back in?

I sooooo want Kaysar to come back in. I think that house would shit their pants and it would be great! But I'm preparing myself for America to vote back in Eric. BLECH!
WHY? I can't stand him.

But America will vote back in the "hero". My husband said "are you kidding, do you really think America as a whole would vote a Muslim back in the house?" (Now mind you neither of us are racist and would both love to see Kaysar back in the house) Unfortunatly, now a days....Firefighter=Hero and Muslim=Terrorist. It's just horrible and unfair if you ask me.

I'm going to tell everyone I know to vote on for Kaysar! He's got to come back in! We need Kaysar!!

I don't think I can take it if Eric comes back and I have to listen to Ivette, "Oh Eric, I missed you so much, Oh Cappy" BARF! ECH! VOMIT!


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