Originally Posted by pinkbundles /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ontario...in good ol' Brampton...one of the safest cities in the world (obviously they interviewed the wrong people! LOL).
LOL! Brampton . . . the city with not enough Newfoundlanders!
Originally Posted by Kee /img/forum/go_quote.gif Which province are you guys from?
I'm from the west coast of Newfoundland, but I am a Torontonian in my heart! Going back to Ontario in 7 weeks!
Somewhere in between the Southwestern & GTA areas. When people around here ask where I live and I tell them the name of my town, they have to ask, "Oh, where is that?" because it's so small. I think we just got upgraded from "village" to "town" not long ago, LOL!
Originally Posted by rejectstar /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm from Ontario
Somewhere in between the Southwestern & GTA areas. When people around here ask where I live and I tell them the name of my town, they have to ask, "Oh, where is that?" because it's so small. I think we just got upgraded from "village" to "town" not long ago, LOL! lol !
that's great you're going back to Ontario Kee.
ahem, though i am french, i'd love to live in Canada, does that count ?
I am a native Minnesotan who is a Canada-phile... I lived among Canadian look-alikes who wore flappy-caps... Does that count. I was a total Winne-hog. I would go there just I could go to The Fork and play curling and buy the taffy. That is one kick-ass city!