Circular Swap #5: Calibama Discussion forums

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I'm sorry you had such a shitty night at work my friend :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> this candle will most definitely pick you up... its amazing! I'm going to have to order myself one at some point! I added the rest of my stash this time around so I'm out for any other rounds. I'm actually going to be going on a little trip soon so I'm not sure I'd even be home to participate. My grandpa left $5,000 to my dad to send myself and my little girls on a trip. I'm conflicted because I don't like benefiting in any way from death but my dad is insistent so I guess I'm going. Tonight I will play box tetris and pack it up and then tomorrow will head to the post office to send it and start the passport process for myself and my girls so we can go on our vacation.

I took pictures last night of the box but have no idea how to upload pictures on this new site from my phone. Can anyone help??

Awww thanks lady! Personally, if your grandpa gave you that money with a specific purpose, the right thing to do is honor his wish. So, you take those baby girls on a vacation and y'all just enjoy yourself. Can't wait to see what all you added to the box!

I, too, have pretty much depleted my stash - but I don't want to stifle the fun - so idk what to do haha

If you want to email me pics, I can try to upload. But Idk how to add them from mobile.

That's exactly what my dad said so I'm going :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I haven't been on vacation in YEARS and the babies have never experienced anything like we are going to do (my dad is thinking a cruise or an all inclusive vacation probably in Mexico) . I can't wait to see my little ones faces when we get to wherever it is we are going. Im going to email you the pics soon.. just gotta put baby down for a nap. You're awesome.. thanks!!

That's exactly what my dad said so I'm going :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I haven't been on vacation in YEARS and the babies have never experienced anything like we are going to do (my dad is thinking a cruise or an all inclusive vacation probably in Mexico) . I can't wait to see my little ones faces when we get to wherever it is we are going. Im going to email you the pics soon.. just gotta put baby down for a nap. You're awesome.. thanks!!
Sorry I've been MIA! If I can chime in, @@heartsandwhimsy I'd think the opportunity to build new memories is exactly the opposite of selfish and probably exactly what the plan was suppose to be. Enjoy the vacation and make some proud, lasting, happy memories to make it worthwhile.

@@tnorth1852 - sorry about the bad second shift. Things can only get better, no? And hopefully, none of the bad stuff is it's gonna get better. 

As for a third round - I'm okay either way. I can still come up with some good stuff to put in, especially if you guys want me to come up with a starter box. Or after 2 rounds we can call it a day...I'm good with that too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> because Calibama will live again in the round 6 at some point :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

The box is waiting for me at home! Can't wait to get there and go through it all!

So what's the verdict on a third round? Since I'm the box starter, I don't want to be the reason the fun stops -- so if you'd like for it to continue, i'm okay with it. Just don't have a whole lot to put in. Plus, i think we're super far ahead of every other swap group -- looks like it would be a while before a third round could start.

I got the box! Holy hell there's a lot of stuff in there!!!!! Do you guys have a preference on who to do a third swap with? Want me to message @@nikkimouse and see where they are in their second round and try to arrange a swap with them? Or do you want me to let this box die? Either is fine by me.

The south group is running behind. Im sending out the box for round 2 on tuesday. I got swamped with real life crap. Hopefully it will pass quick enough that you guys will still want to swap.

Since the other groups are winding down, I'd be up for swapping with calibama now, nikkimouse -- (after checking with the other south members, of course.)

*This post may or may not be influenced by the suki and other awesome products that tgooberbutt put in.  :ph34r: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm all for it. I'm going through the box now. Pictures to come. There's a TON in here. I'm trying to dwindle it down to make it manageable. @@nikkimouse do I need to send this box to you or the next person in your group? Also, calibama, @heartsandwhimsey has chosen not to do a third round.

I'm all for it. I'm going through the box now. Pictures to come. There's a TON in here. I'm trying to dwindle it down to make it manageable. @@nikkimouse do I need to send this box to you or the next person in your group? Also, calibama, @heartsandwhimsey has chosen not to do a third round.
You would send it to @@jkwynn and I would send it to who ever is first on you list then at the end we would keep the boxes or choose to swap with another group again.
What was in the box (not pictured is the pineapple cilantro candle that I already set on fire.)







What I took:


What I added: (some are things I added the first round, but put back in since the box is going to a new group.)



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