I sound moreso like my third match:
As a Classic Chic, you are always on point, put together, and sleek. You are tasteful, timeless, elegant, and prefer investment pieces to trendy items. Your sophisticated sense of style always looks expensive.
Though, Top Trendsetter, which was my first match is kind of right.
See, while I DO hold my own sense of style, I love, absolutely love elegant styles. Ritzy, pretty, and so on. Heck, I have been looking around for more dresses that go over-shoulder, like how back in the days, the princess-like outfits would have the poofy sleeves and long sleeves running down the arms.... but I don't see those anymore. It's like the modern thing is straps and strapless. Of course, there are SOME, but so very rare. I am far too old school it seems, haha.... which is why I guess I would say I am more of a Classic Chic.
Howeverrrrrrr with top trendsetter, yeah, I tend to have my own style. I can't even express what I like. If it looks good with another thing, I go right for it, all gung-ho!.... I am heavily color coordinating. It drives my friends crazy when I have to layer things. If I see red heels and a red skirt, I want red to cherry it off on top. If I see a green hat and brown hair, I try to match that as well with more greens and browns. Some things look tacky and such, but you know, it's how I am. I can't have it that when above waist, all you see is blue, and below, all you see is yellow. I like layering it. Maybe in this sense, a top trendsetter IS correct..... but I doubt my styles and ideas are all that "trendy"
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