Do you carry Pocket Knife with u? forums

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I have carried a knife since I was like 9 yo

have a good collection of knifes and a few swords survival knives..fightinh knives...I have a swis army one hander I carry most often...and an hunting style auto (switchblade if you like) that I like to carry

if you want can make a weopon from just about of my favorite improvised is a tube sock with a pool bal in it..

I dont really carry my knives as a weapon so to speak...just like em

Ha ha ha! No, I carry a Taurus 38 Special!

Originally Posted by MakeupByMonet /img/forum/go_quote.gif HaHaHaHa L.A Is Awesome Not super scary Dangerous lol Anywhere is Just as dangerous If your one Helpless girl Walking alone at night Lost For sure! All it takes is one time with out one, right?

Originally Posted by Chaeli /img/forum/go_quote.gif No. I feel secure in my environment. I would give them what they demand and let the police take it from there. For anything else, I have a knife rack for those situations at home. You don't consider that statement to be a little naive?

Originally Posted by Aprill /img/forum/go_quote.gif Uhm...ya that's why we have the castle doctrine law. You try to break in my car, my house, my place of business, I can blow you away and not get so much as a blemish on my criminal record, as long as it is proven that you are the robber, and I was defending myself, and I have a permit to carry, and the weapon is registered to me.
Me personally...I dont **** with anyone, I dont invite people to my home, I dont have guests to my home, I have 4 children to protect, you kick down my door, I will blast you out of the door, you carjack me, I will blast you out of my truck. And until you are violated, or someone you love has been violated, naturally you will be against it. That's your choice. The laws here protect me and give me that right. I have been violated, it will never happen again. It will never happen to my daughters.

And I LOVE the people who support the 2nd amendment!!

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif my goodness! if you want tasers, you can purchase them in thailand, along with knuckle dusters, ninja stars, and the most unbelievable arsenal of illegal weapons.
Tasers are certainly illegal in Australia.

Honestly, I have never felt the need for such protection!

I have an old stun gun.... 300,000 volts Scares the crap out of me.. lol If you have ever been to a hockey game.... I'd rather have my hockey stick as a weapon.... but I'm sure glad I live in Pittsburgh.... low crime and very safe...

Yes, I have to. I want to be able to defend myself. Unfortunately there is a lot of people out there who wants to do bad things to a tiny girl like me.

Nope, never have and never would. I can see how it would be helpful with camping but since that's not something I ever do I don't need one. I don't go out alone at night and wouldn't go into the rough area's of town alone anyway. I know someone can attack you anywhere but in general I feel pretty safe in my neighbourhood (still wouldn't wander at night but i wouldn't do that anywhere). It would never even occur to me that I needed to carry a weapon.

If I were to wander around alone I'd carry a rape alarm, I'd rather deafen someone than kill them, even if they were attacking me. Sounds naive but I don't want anyone's blood on my concience.

I really don't get the idea of carrying a knife for protection.

I mean, would anyone really use it if need be? Hell, would even half the people carrying a knife actually know how to use it in a real situation?

I'm not saying that to be rude or anything. It just seems more logical (to me) to learn some basic self defense techniques, be it krav maga or something like Gracies

The thing about carrying a knife is that you have to be able and willing to use it or it is not worth the hassle. It is no good waving it about only to have it taken off you and then get stabbed by your own knife.

I don't carry a knife around, I don't really think it's that common in my country...

No but I used to carry pepper spray with me but I dont nemore. I dont really go newhere late at night and when I do I usually have someone walk me out but thats only if I'm workin til 10. I work at walmart so I have to park really far away otherwise its a no for me.


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