Do you have plans for Valentine's Day? forums

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Lacquer Lackey
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
California, USA
Do you have plans for Valentine's Day? Maybe a nice evening out, a quiet dinner at home or going out with friends?

Since Valentine's falls on a Thursday, hub and I will probably have a quiet evening alone with a nice homemade dinner and maybe a romantic movie. Either that or we will order Chinese takeout and play WoW together haha.

Nope, my boyfriend is out of town for work until late February. 
 (no real bawling gifs) plus I have class that night anyway. I might pick up some Macarons on the way home since I've been wanting some for a while.


my boyfriend and I are having a nice little date, I have no idea what it is because its our first valentine's day together and he's surprising me. so I've got his cute little gifts and he knows already that I am in love with anything thats cheesy and totally cliche(flowers and chocolates and all that jazz) sooo. yeah. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Umm...we'll probably be watching the new season premiere of Swamp People.  Super romantic...I know, but what's a girl to do?  

The boyfriend doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body. 

Originally Posted by ashleyanner /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Umm...we'll probably be watching the new season premiere of Swamp People.  Super romantic...I know, but what's a girl to do?  

The boyfriend doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body. 
leave the thread open on the computer and hope he gets some ideas.

We'll be taking a vacation and going to Florida for a week to escape the Michigan winter :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Originally Posted by ashleyanner /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Umm...we'll probably be watching the new season premiere of Swamp People.  Super romantic...I know, but what's a girl to do?  

The boyfriend doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body. 
Heehee!  As long as with you are with your sweetie, who cares?  

I have no idea what we are doing.  I'm having a baby around then so I might be in the hospital eating cafeteria style food.  As long as I get some chocolates I'm good!

Originally Posted by ashleyanner /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Umm...we'll probably be watching the new season premiere of Swamp People.  Super romantic...I know, but what's a girl to do?  

The boyfriend doesn't have a single romantic bone in his body. 
lol mine is the same. He wanted to go to his favorite bar for Valentine's dinner.

Fortunately I talked him into a reservation somewhere a little nicer. I'm not sure what else he has in store but he is getting some Ben Franklin flag he has been wanting and a mini coffee maker lol.

my guy's math teacher is obviously an old single bitter man because their first exam is that night at 7:30 > :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> sooo, I told him that I was NOT going to hang around or an hour and a half until 9 when he gets out. but I'm seeing him after my class that day up until his class which doesn't give us nearly enough time. I'm used to seeing him or about 10 hours when we FINALLY get to hang out, and this time its like makes me sad. so very sad.

My husband and I got married 2 days after Valentines day, so we usually do something big. This year is our 5th anniversary. However, I'm due to have a baby at any moment, so we'll probably order take out and watch movies with our 3 year old while the baby sleeps. I'll be eating lots of chocolate.

Originally Posted by BrittneyMarie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My husband and I got married 2 days after Valentines day, so we usually do something big. This year is our 5th anniversary. However, I'm due to have a baby at any moment, so we'll probably order take out and watch movies with our 3 year old while the baby sleeps. I'll be eating lots of chocolate.
That's so awesome! Hope everything goes well w your baby :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Hmm thats *about* the time I get keys to my new apartment, so we'll probably spend it on the floor in our new living room with our roommate eating spaghetti haha nothing big this year because the down on a new place takes a lot out of ya. But that's okay I know the one sweet thing he'll do is get me roses. He's never ever missed a valentine's day with them. =)

We're celebrating the night before because I have class from 6pm - 9pm on Vday. We're going to the restaurant we had our first fancy date at, so I'm excited. I don't know what I'll get him yet - he's so hard to gift for and he always gives me the best gifts. 

Seriously, last Valentine's Day he made me one of those S*** ___ Doesn't Say, only it was S*** Courtney Doesn't Say - he dressed up in one of my dresses and boots! XD One birthday he got this deal where we got to go behind the scenes of the zoo and feed the otters, which are my favorite animals.

I can't compete with that!

Originally Posted by thewendyyybird /img/forum/go_quote.gif

We're celebrating the night before because I have class from 6pm - 9pm on Vday. We're going to the restaurant we had our first fancy date at, so I'm excited. I don't know what I'll get him yet - he's so hard to gift for and he always gives me the best gifts. 

Seriously, last Valentine's Day he made me one of those S*** ___ Doesn't Say, only it was S*** Courtney Doesn't Say - he dressed up in one of my dresses and boots! XD One birthday he got this deal where we got to go behind the scenes of the zoo and feed the otters, which are my favorite animals.

I can't compete with that!
Did you have a break down like Kristen Bell did w the sloth? XD

Originally Posted by beautymadn3ss /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Did you have a break down like Kristen Bell did w the sloth? XD
omg everytime I watch that ellen clip I laugh so hard I cry. Literally, every time.

Originally Posted by Baberanza /img/forum/go_quote.gif

omg everytime I watch that ellen clip I laugh so hard I cry. Literally, every time.
I know! Me too!! See I would have the same reaction near a bunch of puppies from different races...I would have a melt down!! I have one when I see baby pictures of my baby! If only he could look that way again 

I am working the night shift that day. like 11:30AM - 11:30PM. Can't really plan much with that going on. Not like it matters. Not with anyone to spend it with, nor am I interested at the moment to.


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