? for the Mineral Makeup Board

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Jul 21, 2006
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Hi ladies, I have a question, I've been a member of the board a couple of months and though I don't get a chance to come here and read and post as much as I'd like, I do make a point to pop in as much as I can. I recieved my newsletter today and saw that this board was created.

What I wanted to know from you guys is how do you feel about MMU owners participating in the board ?. Just wanted to know beforehand, if there's a problem no biggie I'll post on the other boards just as I did before when I have time to visit,Thanks for any feedback. Candace

I love your products! I've recommended them to the African American women on this site because of the wide "true" color range.

Oh wow thanks!!! now that I'm looking at your nic here I recognize you!! lol How did the products work out for you? shoot me an email if you need any help with anything.Candace

Originally Posted by AngelaGM /img/forum/go_quote.gif I don't a problem with it, although the Mods might....... That's why i decided to ask first lol, even though I would never comment on other companies products etc anyways. If it's a no-go I'll just post on other boards like I've done before
Hi Candace, I have a question! I love mineral makeup but I was wondering where it actually comes from! Where do you get yours? Is it in the ground, is it rocks or dirt? I have no idea, but I know I love it! Is it everywhere or just in certain places? Do you have a crew that goes out and digs it up for you and then you grind it up? Also, how do you get the natural coloring? Sorry for all of the questions, I'm just fascinated by it!

I don't think the mods will mind at all, as long as you aren't soliciting your products, or constantly linking to your page. that kind of thing. but im sure all the girls on the mineral makeup board would love to have your input!

Originally Posted by anne7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I don't think the mods will mind at all, as long as you aren't soliciting your products, or constantly linking to your page. that kind of thing. but im sure all the girls on the mineral makeup board would love to have your input! ditto to what she said
we're glad you're here! thank you for asking
Originally Posted by AprilRayne /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hi Candace, I have a question! I love mineral makeup but I was wondering where it actually comes from! Where do you get yours? Is it in the ground, is it rocks or dirt? I have no idea, but I know I love it! Is it everywhere or just in certain places? Do you have a crew that goes out and digs it up for you and then you grind it up? Also, how do you get the natural coloring? Sorry for all of the questions, I'm just fascinated by it! Yeah! That's a great question, where do they come from???
Originally Posted by anne7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I don't think the mods will mind at all, as long as you aren't soliciting your products, or constantly linking to your page. that kind of thing. but im sure all the girls on the mineral makeup board would love to have your input! Anne is right.
Looking forward to read your posts Candace.

Originally Posted by AprilRayne /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hi Candace, I have a question! I love mineral makeup but I was wondering where it actually comes from! Where do you get yours? Is it in the ground, is it rocks or dirt? I have no idea, but I know I love it! Is it everywhere or just in certain places? Do you have a crew that goes out and digs it up for you and then you grind it up? Also, how do you get the natural coloring? Sorry for all of the questions, I'm just fascinated by it! Hey you guys! ok I'll do a quick version and if anyone wants to add to go for it, we can all think back to school in let's see science where you studied rocks and minerals and saw pictures of really colorful rocks? ( lol I'm old I remember this but I have no idea if they still teach this stuff!) I know in my town there is even a speciality store that sell precious rocks,minerals,stones etc(they also vary in textures).............now if you recall those stones are beautiffuly colored all on thier own from nature.These are found all over the world no certain place. So though there are MMU companies that have been around no one can say they made it or are the creator of mineral makeup because it's been around since egytptian times, even though back then they were used in it's rawest forms. Now all these rocks and minerals have to be put through a process that makes them safe for use on our eyes,lips,face. Also even going through this process some still aren't FDA approved for certain areas.The company you buy from should make you aware of this ,hey don't use this on your eyes/lips.I want to touch back on the natural coloring for a minute though, like I said there are many great shades that occur naturally, but some companies do use additional methods to create a larger color range, such as lake dyes,and carmine. These are FDA approved ingredients as well and used in HUNDREDS of the cosmetics/foods you guys already love. So me myself I prefer to say "make the more natural choice" you guys already know that mineral makeup IS traditional makeup anyways....just without all the other added things companies put in to make it a liquid or compact. So just depending on the person YOU are investigate, all the companies that are out there! A lot of companies use strictly vegan ingredients ,paraben free etc and make their products as natural as possible.There are a lot of campanies out there and a lot of unique products to try. Hope I answered the basics of your questions April,I actually sent you 2 pm's answering you yesterday and evertime I clicked send a french women don't get fat banner popped up and I have no I dea what happened then! lol Candace

Hi Candace, I'm very glad that you have been able to join us here! I've a question too: why did you decide to call your site MilanMinerals? I live in Milan (Italy) *lol*

Originally Posted by Milan_Minerals /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hey you guys! ok I'll do a quick version and if anyone wants to add to go for it, we can all think back to school in let's see science where you studied rocks and minerals and saw pictures of really colorful rocks? ( lol I'm old I remember this but I have no idea if they still teach this stuff!) I know in my town there is even a speciality store that sell precious rocks,minerals,stones etc.............now if you recall those stones are beautiffuly colored all on thier own from nature.These are found all over the world no certain place. So though there are MMU companies that have been around no one can say they made it or are the creator of mineral makeup because it's been around since egytptian times, even though back then they were used in it's rawest forms. Now all these rocks and minerals have to be put through a process that makes them safe for use on our eyes,lips,face. Also even going through this process some still aren't FDA approved for certain areas.The company you buy from should make you aware of this ,hey don't use this on your eyes/lips.I want to touch back on the natural coloring for a minute though, like I said there are many great shades that occur naturally, but some companies do use additional methods to create a larger color range, such as lake dyes,and carmine. These are FDA approved ingredients as well and used in HUNDREDS of the cosmetics/foods you guys already love. So me myself I prefer to say "make the more natural choice" you guys already know that mineral makeup IS traditional makeup anyways....just without all the other added things companies put in to make it a liquid or compact. So just depending on the person YOU are investigate, all the companies that are out there! A lot of companies use strictly vegan ingredients ,paraben free etc and make their products as natural as possible.There are a lot of campanies out there and a lot of unique products to try. Hope I answered the basics of your questions April,I actually sent you 2 pm's answering you yesterday and evertime I clicked send a french women don't get fat banner popped up and I have no I dea what happened then! lol Candace

That's awesome Milan, so do you get the minereals already in a powder form from a source and combine your other ingredients to make the actual ready-for-face MU?
Originally Posted by Mirtilla /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hi Candace, I'm very glad that you have been able to join us here! I've a question too: why did you decide to call your site MilanMinerals? I live in Milan (Italy) *lol* Mirtilla, my youngest daughters name is Cydney Milan ,so when I was thinking of a name it just flowed with minerals lol. ( I'd better start saving for her graduation trip so she can go there and actually say she's seen the place! ha!ha!)

Originally Posted by Guenevere /img/forum/go_quote.gif That's awesome Milan, so do you get the minereals already in a powder form from a source and combine your other ingredients to make the actual ready-for-face MU? That's pretty much it Guenevere, I think most companies small and large (ladies don't be scared to try ANY smaller company) use and have acess to all the same base materials. It's really about what they decided to blend together that individualizes each lines products, that and the mind creating kwim? So one company may have really vivid shades where anothers may be more soft or this companies MMU texture feels softer where another doesn't feel that way. Someone has another thread on here about making it. You guys should play around with the MMU that you have ,take a sprinkle of this shade and that shade and bam....... you just made a new one.There are some places that even put the kits together you need and the info to make it yourself.

Originally Posted by jennycateyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif i dont have a problem with it , i love ur site. Lol Thanks Jenny, whooo girl I'm looking at your ticker is the baby letting you know he/she is ready to come? Congrats!
Originally Posted by Milan_Minerals /img/forum/go_quote.gif Mirtilla, my youngest daughters name is Cydney Milan ,so when I was thinking of a name it just flowed with minerals lol. ( I'd better start saving for her graduation trip so she can go there and actually say she's seen the place! ha!ha!) She will love you for it
, Milan is the land of the shopping/spending spree
I don't have a problem with you or other mineral owners posting but any pushing products or research questions will be removed.

I am new to Milan and I love the products I have received! I really appreciate having Candace here-her knowledge, her general rapport on the board is wonderful and FUN! Just the fact that she asked here first tells me alot that she is very sensitive to others and would not try and push her own agenda. I think she is here solely for the same reasons we are-we all love MMU! Please stay here Candace!!!!!


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