Glamour Doll Eyes OTM: May 2013 forums

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Oh, wow, I was *not* expecting the new product to be this size! It's *huge*! And it more than makes up for not getting a certain similar item from Birchbox this month. (Are we done with hiding spoilers yet?)

The blush is *bright*!  Wear-under-bb-cream-and-powder bright for me.  It's a great color -- not warm! -- for me if I can mute it somehow (if that makes sense), so I just have to figure out how to accomplish that.  On the other hand, I'm developing an unfortunate fondness for inappropriately bright blush, so this is actually my sort of thing right now.  (Just learn from my mistake last night and do *not* put it on over Starlooks Barbie fluid blush.  That was too much even for me.)

I agree...that blush is SUPER vibrant! But gorgeous! On my first try, I majorly over-applied. But it is gorgeous with just the lightest application. Love it, and use so little that it will last forever. I love the cooler pink tone!

I used the shadow today as a liner and in my outer v and it was super pretty, too. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Oh my!  Approximately 5 minutes ago I decided to crack into my first GDE product.  I lightly dusted Risky Business on my cheeks is so unbelievably flattering on me!  I have no idea if this is a skin tone thing or what, but it lights my face up in the nicest way.
Originally Posted by kitnmitns /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Are there somehow 2 may threads?
Yes, there are!  I didn't notice that until you mentioned it.  How do we get them merged?

I just sent a request for them to be merged. I am just glad I am not losing my mind ;-)

Yay! My OTM arrived! Forgot I ordered some sample pots, too.. so I was super excited and surprised with all my goodies! My my, I am loving this blush! Just have to careful applying it, as it is super pigment packed! Lol, this is the one sub thathas always exceeded my expectations and this month was not an exception. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> this another awesome subscription?! What is THIS?!
icon_eek.gif this another awesome subscription?! What is THIS?! :icon_eek:
You're missing out Cookie! Subscriptions open every month on the 9th, but there's limited slots. The quality and pigmentation is awesome and tons of color, right up your alley lol.
You're missing out Cookie! Subscriptions open every month on the 9th, but there's limited slots. The quality and pigmentation is awesome and tons of color, right up your alley lol.
The 8th, not the 9th, unless there's a weekend involved! Join the mailing list, set your alarm, and get ready to go right at the time listed in the email. I think they sold out in 20 minutes this month.
The 8th, not the 9th, unless there's a weekend involved! Join the mailing list, set your alarm, and get ready to go right at the time listed in the email. I think they sold out in 20 minutes this month.
Thanks, that's correct lol. I got a few other shades with my sub, so I need to swatch and share on the other thread. . Dunno what to wear first!
Well I got my OTM a few days ago and while I love the blush (been using it on my youngest daughter) I'm not overly excited for the shadow. That particular shade of purple is very pretty in the jar but on me it looks like bruise (I swatched it my wrist, no pics though). I'll have to use this as an eyeliner color instead of shadow since too much of it will look like I have a bruised eye. (Feline Fatale needs a sister color!)

I finally swatched the two samples from the Matte Masculine collection (and the other products again).

In order:

Risky Business blush


Facade (sample)

Fearless (sample)

I used the s&m shadow as a liner the other day and loved it. I am not big on matte shadows (I find them harder to work with) but I do think both of these are pretty, I'm interested to see the rest of the collection!

What is everyone using as primer for S&M? I'm just not digging it as much as April's color, partly because it doesn't seem like a May color but mainly because it doesn't seem to play well with the primers I've tried so far. It's somehow simultaneously too dark and too sheer, and I think it's a primer/base issue.


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