Welcome to MakeupTalk. I am Tony, one of the adminstrators/programmers here and I just am popping in to say HI and thank you for joining up! You will find alot of very nice women here that are so much fun and knowledgeable regarding Makeup, Skincare etc.
You take care and welcome once again!
Originally Posted by stela
Hi.I'm Stela I'm from Greece and I hope to chat a lot about makeup.
Hi and welcome Stela!!! Please share some beauty secrets with us from Greece. I've always been interested in the mediteranian beauty and would love to hear more about the products etc.
Aloha & Welcome to MuT Stela! I'm glad you're here & know you'll find the board fun & informative. PM any of the mods if you have any questions.
I'm Joy from Los Angeles, one of the moderators here. I'm half Greek -- but 3rd generation born in the States, so I really don't know much Greek at all. Maybe you can teach me some!
Welcome to MakupTalk, Stela! Congrats on becoming a new member! I'm sure you'll just love it here! I'm Janelle from NY - looking forward to chatting with you soon!
Originally Posted by stela Hi.I'm Stela I'm from Greece and I hope to chat a lot about makeup.
Hiya Stela, welcome to MakeUpTalk from a fellow European! I'm Laura from Ireland. Look forward to chatting with you. If you need help with anything PM me or one of the other mods & we'll gladly help you out