I am a teen. So I guess I'll talk about how my parents discipline me. First of all, they set really high standards for me. In 4th grade, they made me transfer from my public school to a private school that has a uniform and is strict as he!!. I hated it then, but I love my school now because of little things that are nice about it and mainly because of my friends. Then, they want me to get straight A's. I do that because I can... my parents said if I give my 110% and I fail, they won't have any problem. But they said they know I have the potential to get all A's, and if I get anything less and I gave my 80% rather than 110%, then they will have a problem. When it's time for high school, they want me to try my best to get into the top # 1 high school in the U.S...eek.. whatever. I try not to think about that, As for make-up, I started wearing it in 6th grade. Just eyeliner, mascara, blush, and gloss that all looks very natural. My mom was fine with that. As for clothes, I am still not allowed to cruise the mall by myself so my mom has to go with me. She lets me shop where I want, but only buys sale clothes at AF, AE, and HCO. Except for a staple such as a great pair of jeans or an amazing hoodie that goes with everything she's very stingy about how much I spend. M/U is all drugstore. Bath and Body Works shower stuff is limited. So basically they both know not to spoil me unlike everyone else in my town who are all really spoiled. I mean, I have an iPod and a cell, but those are two staples that they think are good investments. An iPod is great for every day, traveling, and working out because it doesn't skip unlike a CD player. A cell (I found mine; it was in my dad's summer car! I lost it for 2 weeks.. I posted in the advice forum because I couldn't find it before) is useful to me because I do sports and I am not with my parents 24/7 so I need to be able to reach them. Going out... I'm definitely not allowed to go to the movies or out every weekend. Which most kids do. But every month or so, I'll get to do something really funn on a weekend with all the girls and guys. And every weekend I hang out with my girls at houses and such. And I'm allowed to go to school dances and events sponsered by my town or dance school and such because they're supervised. One thing I wish my mom let me do is wear a bikini bathing suit, but nope, tankinis only. My mom's kinda strict about covering up. She does let me wear my low rise jeans, but with a belt so they stay as high as possible which is still pretty low so I'm okay with that. People my age have boyfriends, but my private school has only 43 kids in my grade and the boys are like my brothers. I do like this kid though (he unfortunately doesn't like me back) that I'm friends with and my mom doesn't mind if we hang out as long as it's in a group. My parents don't moniter how much time I IM people because they know I'm keeping up with my school work. If I have gotten detentions and warnings this year but I learned from mistakes I've made so I'm not getting any anymore. So they're okay with it. My parents' main thing is that they definitely don't just take me wherever whenever. They pay attention to what I do and what they're doing for me when they take me in a car. They don't just drop me off at the mall. By the way, I didn't use proper grammar in this post.. At MUT I don't really care about my grams skills.