How much have you spent? forums

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Jan 25, 2007
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How much have you spent on makeup, just on what you have now. I did some adding up and while it's not alot it does add up.

Like All the MU kit ? or just in 2007 ? or... something else ?

Well, for me I'd say 600-800$Can of stuff tho I have lots of Chanel stuff In my pink magic box ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> (I should post pics of my stach someday... lol)

Edit: Have I said my stach was tiny ? ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> lol... nothing compared to MU artist here

My whole kit together its worth 4,000 dollars I have mostly Mac and Sephora stuff and of course my drugstore makeup.This year the only stuff that really liked the most was My Loreal HIP collection I was very Impressed.

I think I have close to a couple hundred bucks. It sounds like a lot but it hasn't seem to have bought much. Foundation, photofinish foundation, makeupforever diamond powder, bushes, eyeliner, mascara. Yeeps. this stuff is expensive.

I can't imagine how much most of the stashes here are worth. With just MAC alone, I spend at least $100 every month with all those collections coming out and i only buy a few things. Imagine the cost to those girls who buy nearly everything from all the collections!

not that much. i spent most of my money in mineral makeup so now i have a decent e/s stash lol. but apart from that, nothing much.

Spent in just this year, or since joining MuT? I'm too afraid to look either way! I know my stash is probably worth more than I spent LOL!

this is a good question. im always curious to know how much ppl spend on their makeup, esp. all those MAC addicts!!!

My whole collection? I have no idea! lol. Thousands and thousands.

I spent almost $300 just on the Barbie Loves MAC collection! lol.

I could probably figure it out if I wanted to, but I don't. I don't even want to think about it. I'd be too embarassed. Lets just say I spent a few thousand dollars on MAC alone this year.

There is no way of me finding out but roughly a couple hundred. I really dont think i have reached the thousands. I try to control myself. lol

I just cleaned out my stash, so the total for what I have now would be $800. Low compaired to most of you!

I'm going to say no more than $800 either...

I can drop between $60-100 everytime I hit MAC - but I buy a lot and always hit the $100 mark. Never more, oddly. But my collection is pretty basic/small compared to lots of other makeup fiends.

My stash is fairly small in comparison also but all high end stuff right now. My best estimate would be $1000 or about there in the past 12 months but my cosmetic purchases include my skincare.

TOO MUCH! And I don't like to think about it. I just buy what i want(when I can) but if I had to guess I would have to say over 1000 or so.

Dang, I don't even want to think about how much money I spent on Makeup!

I counted a few weeks ago and I stopped counting after I hit a 1,000$ I didn't wanna know. :

If i wanna count my brushes in then a fortune,lol,if not,not so much i think


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