I Got Married!!

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Nov 20, 2005
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Just wanted to share! Even though we didn't have a traditional wedding.. I'm one that dosen't really believe in the big production of a traditional wedding so, we got hitched at the court house and I couldn't be happier!!


Now, to all the ladies that are married, I would LOVE some good marriage advice/tips! thanks. xoxo

OMG, congrats. You haven´t posted in so long (or at least I think so) and then you´re back with such big news. Awesome!

And what a cute couple. Awwww I wanna get married too

OMFG! Congrats Maria! I'm so happy for you! I'll think on those marriage tips/advice for you

Aww, Congrats! I got married this morning at the clerk's office, too! Good luck to you both. =)

Congratulations Maria! You looked so pretty and happy, i am happy for you, i hope you have a great marriage filled with happiness!

I didnt have a big traditional wedding either, but what counts the most is that you are both happy

You both look so incredibly happy and you were definitely a beautiful bride. Congratulations!!

As far as marriage advice I'll just tell you what has worked for us. We don't go to bed mad at one another, we're honest with one another, and we make time for one another.

Best Wishes for a long and happy marriage!

Congrats Maria!! You look so beautiful and happy!

My advice would be: Stay flirtatious, keep going on dates, make out alot like you just started dating
, be silly together, make him feel good about himself and he'll do the same for you, always remember you were best friends before you were husband and wife and treat eachother that way. Alot of people treat their friends better than they do their spouse, don't let that happen! LOL Can you tell I had a failed marriage and now a really awesome one! LOL Now I know what not to do!

thanks so much ladies!!

andi, i know!! i've been such a lurker lately but, i promise i'll be around posting more lol

thanks for the awesome advice and well wishes.


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