I want to stop using Proactiv

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Jan 30, 2006
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Proactiv is SO harsh on my skin, but in the summer, I tried not using it for 2 weeks since I ran out and I started breaking out like MAD!! In an urgency, I called my boyfriend frantically and he went to pick up a bottle of cleanser.

In three days I started clearing up.

So my face seems to need it -_- /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> But I'm 21, I'd like to use something else...any suggestions? Anyone who used to use Proactiv (and it worked for them) and moved onto something else?

Proactiv is the ONLY thing that has ever worked on me, but I find it drying my skin out at times

u can probably only use the repairing lotion once a day.

Also the face wash to...that scrub may be a bit harsh.

U can use some other face wash that is oilfree and non-comedogenic. I think ponds is a good cheap brand.

i stopped using the toner and repairing lotion since they were too harash on my skin

Thats the problem with ProActiv. Its like that contact you never really read but signed anyways. What Ive noticed is that when you dont use it your skin will break out and in most cases even if you wash your skin with something else. Im sorry I cant really help you but some of my friends are going through the same thing and they have yet to truly clear up. Good luck!

I used on and off, I never had any problem with it, I'm just missing my toner, right now. May be you should try salicic acid instead

Maybe you should try mixing the proactiv with another cleanser and then just start using less and less of the proactiv in the mix or keep on using it mixed if that works for you. I do that with cream cleansers sometimes and find that it's okay.

Proactiv was way too harsh for my skin. I've been using the Clinical Basic Skin Care line and it's really helped clear me up and keep me clear with no irritation or dryness. I'm allergic to BP but Sharon is working with me to build up a tolerance but I really haven't needed it since the blemish blaster is working well as a spot treatment and I haven't had a single cyst in months.

i used proactiv before didnt like it at all it felt like its drying out my skin something badd and serve andd it caues me to get clogged pores i dont no how but yeaah anyway try looking at dermalogica skincare or md forte or md formulation they r good and heeey get epidermx microdermbrasion and use it as scrub twice a week.. In the end its up to you butt dont use a cleanser that has benz perioxide (excuse my spelling) because its badd because your already using the treatment step 3 and it contains benz perioxide its plenty 2.5% of that ingredient is plenty belive me

Originally Posted by lainey /img/forum/go_quote.gif Proactiv is SO harsh on my skin, but in the summer, I tried not using it for 2 weeks since I ran out and I started breaking out like MAD!! In an urgency, I called my boyfriend frantically and he went to pick up a bottle of cleanser.
In three days I started clearing up.

So my face seems to need it -_- /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> But I'm 21, I'd like to use something else...any suggestions? Anyone who used to use Proactiv (and it worked for them) and moved onto something else?

Proactiv is the ONLY thing that has ever worked on me, but I find it drying my skin out at times

Unless you just use a BP cream on areas that need it?
yeh i agree with goddesss use the ingredent on the affected area get benzac or clean and clear its the red one its good i use to use it ages ago Its cheaper and less drying

Originally Posted by Mouna /img/forum/go_quote.gif clean and clear its the red one its good i use to use it ages ago Its cheaper and less drying
That's Clearasil that make a BP acne treatment in a red tube, not Clean and Clear

I used Proactiv for around 1 year, but it was drying my skin...and was really harsh on my skin so I decided to stop using and at first it was really bad because I broke out but I waited patietly and used Philosophy Purity cleanser (Very Good an Natural) and I use Myrtle Leaf Lotion and Toner for Oily skin( VERY VERY Good and NO CHEMICALS) . Now I rarely get pimples...few here and there but that is completely acceptable to me.

Handcrafted Lotions, Essential Oils and All Natural Skincare Products - MyrtleLeaf.com

Let me know if this is useful to u.


I'm using proactiv right now...and I, too, want to stop. Not only does it seem to dry me out and only work half the time, but I'm sick of paying $50 for it!!!

Anjali had some good info....I'm going to try out Kiss My Face (all natural organic stuff) to see if that helps. I've heard good things. They're at Kiss My Face My friend sent me some and it's great....they're also not too expensive!

I haven't used Proactiv, but unless I'm mistaken, doesn't have the same active ingredients as many drugstore products (benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, etc.) but in higher concentrations? Perhaps you can find some products that have the same ingredients but in lower doses. I know that benzoyl peroxide (bp) especially can be harsh in higher doses. Many drugstore spot-treatment creams have 10% bp and that dried out even my super-oily skin! However, I do love Neutrogenia On-The-Spot Treatment -- it has only 2.5% bp (which is supposedly just as effective as 10% but less drying), and it does a great job of keeping my acne away without drying out my skin! I use it all over my face once a night as a preventative treatment, not just a spot-treatment.

I have a lot more information about acne in my notepad if you're interested -- there's a lot you can do to help prevent acne besides just using medicines!

I used proactiv for a few months as well....worked well for me but after the 2nd month, didn't help at all except dry my face out BAD! So I had to stop using it. I switched to melaleuca soaps (all natural ingredients)

...it's awesome! I still break out once in a while, but not near as bad as it was. You're dryness may also be linked with the change in weather....???

hi there lainey - i've used proactiv on and off for a few years and it was way too harsh for my skin. There was this one phase when it would make my skin red and flakey, not to mention that burning feeling all the time. after that, i switched to Rodan & Fields Unblemish. It's more pricey than Proactiv but it's a lot more gentle on my skin. I have used it for 2 years and it cleared me up, but I ocasionally still get the breakouts. I am not sure if it's the best thing but I'm afraid of switching because I don't want to breakout like crazy again. Hope this helps.

I used proactiv for years..like about 3 or 4 and recently i stopped. I have been using Noxema face wash, ponds gel toner, and olay regenerist moisturizer. I didnt break out after i stopped using the proactiv.

I used Proactiv and it's like my skin would go into phases where it would be totally clear then I would break out for a month straight. It didn't help me that much. Are you looking for something more affordable? Well, I'm still trying to find my HG products, but I like Neutrogena and Dove. You'll need mainly a good cleanser and a spot treatment, and a moisturizer if needed. Toners and all that are optional but I like using toners occasionally on my oily, acne prone skin.

I heard about skin being addicted to proactive once you start using it.

I don't really have any recommendation, but I hope you'll find your new regimen!


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