I wish I could drink more water? How do people do it?

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ahhh ladies slow down! it is DANGEROUS to drink more than 5 litres of water a day, it can lead to kidney failure and sodium deficiency which can kill you. what you should be aiming for is around 3 litres as a safe amount. most of our daily intake of water comes from food anyway, and it's just as important for your skin to be eating 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day. plleeease stop drinking so much water, it's not good for you.

Hi Miss Lullu! You are so absolutely right - your skin would improve dramatically with more water, but that's not all! Your hair and nails will be shinier, stronger, and healthier, and you would not BELIEVE how much more energy you would have!! Take my word for it - I went from drinking about eight cups of water a YEAR to drinking 8-12 a day. In fact, it's now almost the only thing I drink... well, that and red wine, but that's a whole 'nother post!
It's an adjustment, like so many other things in getting on a healthy lifestyle - adjusting to the flavor, adjusting to going to the bathroom more... but once you've got it, you'll find you can't live without it. I had to take something of a cold turkey approach. For two weeks, I didn't buy any other beverages, so water was all I had. After about day three, it was already no big deal! I find drinking 8 CUPS of water to be very difficult, but that 4 BOTTLES of water is no big deal. My husband and I picked up a case of Honest Tea green tea (it comes in glass bottles, which you can reuse forever). As we drank the tea (which is really REALLY good for you) we washed the bottles, and we fill them every morning with filtered water. I drink a bottle with my breakfast, a bottle during my workout, two during my workday, and one with dinner. Sometimes I find myself sucking down a whole bottle in a gulp or two. At 16oz each, that's 10 cups of water for the day. I also make sure I have two bottles with me when I'm running errands on my days off. It keeps my energy up to get through the chores, and my mood is SO much better... honestly, sometimes you think you're having a bad day, and you really might just be dehydrated!!

Ok, so the bottom line of this novel is this: I strongly suggest bottles over cups (but not plastic bottles please! The environment will thank you!), and you just have to commit to DOING it - which is easier if you remove the temptation of other beverages.

P.S. Try going without adding flavoring to the water. My experience has been that it keeps you looking for something with a different taste and more sugar, rather that allowing you to learn to enjoy the water for what it is.

P.P.S. If you can do nothing else, at least cut soda out of your diet. THAT by itself will give you a huge improvement!

Hope that helps - I've been there!

Originally Posted by fingers /img/forum/go_quote.gif ahhh ladies slow down! it is DANGEROUS to drink more than 5 litres of water a day, it can lead to kidney failure and sodium deficiency which can kill you. what you should be aiming for is around 3 litres as a safe amount. most of our daily intake of water comes from food anyway, and it's just as important for your skin to be eating 5 pieces of fruit and veg a day. plleeease stop drinking so much water, it's not good for you. Hi Fingers! That's a good point about the fruit - it IS a good way to get more water in your diet. Just a quick clarification about the drinking too much water, the condition you're referring to is called hyponatraemia or water intoxication, and while it CAN happen, it's extremely rare. You generally would have to drink a huge amount of water in a short period of time, start from a very dehydrated state, or have a preexisting condition. As long as your water intake is spread through the day, it's really difficult to drink too much.
It is true however that not everyone needs the old stand-by "eight cups a day." It really depends on your diet, body chemistry, and activiity level.

Have good day!

Originally Posted by Faith-Abigail /img/forum/go_quote.gif I drink flavored water. I love Vitamin Water (especially the lemonaid flavor!) but I usually get the little packages and add them to my water because it's less expensive. Sometimes, I'll just add some squeezed lemon juice and that's nice, too. I'm exactly with you; I love the Vitamin Water, but it's high in calories (125 or 150 a bottle) but it's a special treat for me. Walgreens has a no calorie bottled water that tastes almost like the Vitamin Water lemonade. I have a reusable heavy plastic bottle (we got them at work last May for Teacher Appreciation Week) and I put water, ice, and a Propel packet in it, and that's so much better than plain water. That's what I drink at work. But of course, sometimes I have to have some sugar and caffeine, so I go Full Bad Girl and drink a Vault Red Blitz.

I think cutting the soda out of your diet is a good point, i know i tend to drink too much, i'm addicted to my Zero, but i've noticed it doesn't quench my thirst as a glass of water would do, and i would say it helps me get thirsty more quickly too, as a result. So better keep it as a treat.

It's also a good point to remember you get water from the fruits and veggies you eat.

Don't forget your morning coffee/tea.

I just drink water when I am thirsty and at my work I drink some extra cups of water, not many.

I am really not thinking about it actually, about how much water I 'need'.

It's easy for me to drink more water at my work because the water reservoir is close by
And we have dry air

Flavored water gets blah for me after awhile. I much prefer plain ol' water (the more you drink it, the less you have cravings for flavored products! True story, lol).

But, if I feel like I need some taste - I add flavored tea bags. Mango tea is delicious, they have it at Trader Joes.

Also, to drink more water - buy a big water bottle and just refill it.

I just discovered something that will definitely make me drink more water. Its actually plain herbal tea, with a secret ingredient.

The secret ingredient is a herbal sweetener called "stevia". I read about it in the weightloss book "skinny female dog" (think of another word for female dog...the forum editing gizmo wouldnt let me write the real word) and bought some from a herb shop in town. It does not contain anything unnatural like aspartame. Its used a lot in Japan and South America as a sweetener and it also is said to help aid digestion. Why on earth artificial sweeteners exist when this is just as sweet and actually GOOD for you is completely beyond me.

My point is - if i want a sweet tasty drink, ill make a cup of herbal tea, put in some stevia in it and it tastes awesome. I think i might go make another cup now.

Originally Posted by TheGreenFairy /img/forum/go_quote.gif I just discovered something that will definitely make me drink more water. Its actually plain herbal tea, with a secret ingredient.
The secret ingredient is a herbal sweetener called "stevia". I read about it in the weightloss book "skinny female dog" (think of another word for female dog...the forum editing gizmo wouldnt let me write the real word) and bought some from a herb shop in town. It does not contain anything unnatural like aspartame. Its used a lot in Japan and South America as a sweetener and it also is said to help aid digestion. Why on earth artificial sweeteners exist when this is just as sweet and actually GOOD for you is completely beyond me.

My point is - if i want a sweet tasty drink, ill make a cup of herbal tea, put in some stevia in it and it tastes awesome. I think i might go make another cup now.

Stevia has been gaining popularity in the states for a few years and the plant itself is widely available to grow on your own although to harvest the sweetner is a bit of a process and for the average person what you would get is not the crystals like in store bought (and YES processed) Stevia but finely ground leaves or you can add a wee bit of water to make and extract type liquid.I work for a Garden products company and a few of the store accounts I have do order Stevia seeds but not a lot of folks here have picked up on the benefit.

I think I kept a seed pack or two (after the planting season, I have to collect all the unsold seeds from my accounts. I have 10's of thousands of seed packs here.) and wanted to try and see how Stevia would behave for me but our weather this year was too bizarre and detremental to gardening.

Sorry for the long OT post, lol!

I just want folks to maybe at least think about Stevia, like GreenFairy did, and maybe try it.

Yeah, i have the dried leaves that i got from the hippy herbal shop which i use when i am at home, and take a packet of stevia tablets out when im out and about in case i feel like having a cuppa. I used to occasionally drink tea before, but couldnt stand it on its own, and hated the idea of putting sugar or artificial sweetener to make it taste better. Using stevia meant that it was still sweet, in fact i cant taste the difference (in tea) with using stevia and using any other sweetener.

We all know that drinking herbal tea is good for you, not only does it help you drink more water, but teas can have great effects...can help you lose weight (green tea) help you digest food (peppermint tea) or help you relax (chamomile tea) and since i started using stevia ive been drinking between 2 and 5 cups a day....true story! lol

check out these two links

Stevia: the new battleground for Coke and Pepsi | Australian Food News

Stevia - Naturally Sweet - Recipes, Cooking Tips, Articles, and leading Stevia Products

I have similar problem, I don't really like the taste of water so much. My solution is drinking tons of caffeine free herbal tea
there is so many interesting flavors out there, I actually have a bit of obsession with buying herbal tea... even when I have a lot at home and I see it is on sale, I have to buy it...
Originally Posted by vanilla_sky /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have similar problem, I don't really like the taste of water so much. My solution is drinking tons of caffeine free herbal tea
there is so many interesting flavors out there, I actually have a bit of obsession with buying herbal tea... even when I have a lot at home and I see it is on sale, I have to buy it... You take a weight off my chest, i'm a tea addict and really if i walk in a store and there's some tea on display, i will go check it and maybe buy it, according to the palce left in the kitchen for my boxes lol. My healthfood store has a range of organic teas that are fantastic, and they're not expensive, each time it's a torture not to buy one.
Question about stevia : it is expensive ? I found some at the healthfood store (yay!). Okay, i found one stuff labelled for cosmetic use (that cannot be certified organic because of european law thing=> UH ??), which i am not gonna buy because the whole thing smells fishy, and one labelled as food sweetener from Guyapi Tropical. The box was really small, like 50 or 60g for almost 10€. I know the quantity we use is very small and the brand itself is expensive, but still, it's quite an amount of money for some sweetener.

Well i am in Australia, we have the little plastic containers with the stevia tablets in them, and they are about double the price of equal or splenda tablets. Dont let that deter you, its well worth the price as they dont have the side effects that equal and splenda do, containing aspartame. http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-side-effects.html

Thanks ! I don't like much Splenda, frankly nothing beats my beloved cane sugar, and i also use agave nectar which has a low GI.

The scientists in my country can't decide if aspartame is a poison and should be avoided, or is good to use as a sweetener. I watched a health show about this, the doctors kept throwing rocks at each other.

So you can try hot water and a slice lemon every moring together its great to get the toxins out of ur body and thats is one of the things that water dose that makes skin so nice. and drinking the lemon and hot water is like having coffee but healthy gives you enreay from the lemon with out side effects

I used to be like you. and now i to this: at my work on my desk I have a bottle of water and a little glas. every 15 min a drink some water and I did this for a few days and before I knew it, it became a habit and now I drink enough water..flavoured or not. it's just a habit.

I make sure I get plenty of water because I get migraines with dehydration. I have coffee in the morning but throughout the day I drink plain water or unsweetened tea. I will drink alcohol some evenings but also take this into account-- water helps prevent hangovers too. LOL I adjust my intake to factors such as exercise, winter- I find the dry air makes me dehydrate too, summer heat.

My kids are water drinkers too because we have a frig with the water on the outside of the freezer door- at first it was novel and fun to get water- then it became habit. It really is a habit just like anything else.

I've been hearing a lot lately about non-calorie sweeteners actually making you fatter so I'd really try giving them up. Regular sodas can actually dehydrate- there's so much sugar that to hydrolyze the sugars you use more water than it has in it. Caffeine dehydrates but most teas have low enough content that the water in it makes up for this-- so long as you don't add lots of sugar.

I used to absolutely despise water. We got one of those Brita water filter pitchers and I've been drinking around 6 glasses a day. I used to drink maybe a two bottles of plain water a year! I find the taste so much better! Plus I'm loving the affects it's been having on my skin!

I had to do the force feed thing for water. So I made it a challenge. I had to drink 16 oz every 2 hours. And use the time it took to get some more to stretch my legs. That way I didn't stare at the computer and just sit there more than 2 hrs. Now it's a habit and I actually like water.


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