Yeah im afraid to get older it's on of my fears :/ but im tired of being 20 its boring lol! Plus people still ask me if im 16 so i figure i can age a little
20 sucks. It's cool for a day cause your like wooo im in my 20's and then your like well crap I still can't do half the stuff my friends can do. haha, but in 2 days you can!!! Enjoy and be careful.
Whelp its official im feels dirty to say that lol...just not use to it yet. To celebrate I’m doing...absolutely nothing :[ Everyone has work and school so i will be sitting at my bfs house alone probably on this site learning new fun. Its going to be a looong day
But at least i can buy a beer if i want MUAHHAHAAHHA...i dont even like beer lol!