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Originally Posted by Haloinrverse sure. i guess i need the world to know that i pooped my pants. lol. go for it. LMAO.... aww Jas - can't you edit that part out?? LOL
i thought about it, but then it wouldnt make any ill leave it. anyone who thinks its gross have obviously never been *that* sick. im a proud pants pooper! (i have a feeling im going to regret having said that after this cold medicine wears off and i dont feel like im spinning in my chair.)

ROFLMAO!!! OMg if you coulda heard me here laughing at this..................

Hehe my idea was that this is pretty much general chit chat, moving now pooper

Originally Posted by Haloinrverse

sure. i guess i need the world to know that i pooped my pants. lol. go for it.

hahahah lets all chime in about the ol' dirt road stains

Originally Posted by Haloinrverse

i thought about it, but then it wouldnt make any ill leave it. anyone who thinks its gross have obviously never been *that* sick. im a proud pants pooper! (i have a feeling im going to regret having said that after this cold medicine wears off and i dont feel like im spinning in my chair.)

you are a sick, sick man. wanna hear another great jasmine pooped her pants story? when i was about 18 (i had just moved out of my parents house) i was riding in the car w/ my friend. i had just gotten over a wicked bout of diarhhea, or so i thought. friend remembers that he forgot his ID at home. he slams on his brakes (this was a country road) to do a three point turn. his dashboard is really big, so i had an unopened can of soda on the dash. when he slammed on his brakes, it flew off the dash and hit me in the knee. the pain was so bad that i tensed up really hard, and crapped my pants. i was wearing a khaki skirt. my moms house isnt far from his parents house, so i had to make a pit stop at moms, explaining that i shat myself. she about died laughing.

omg, the pooper stories are coming outta da' woodwork. Wait! That wasn't the woodwork!

Originally Posted by Haloinrverse

you are a sick, sick man. wanna hear another great jasmine pooped her pants story? when i was about 18 (i had just moved out of my parents house) i was riding in the car w/ my friend. i had just gotten over a wicked bout of diarhhea, or so i thought. friend remembers that he forgot his ID at home. he slams on his brakes (this was a country road) to do a three point turn. his dashboard is really big, so i had an unopened can of soda on the dash. when he slammed on his brakes, it flew off the dash and hit me in the knee. the pain was so bad that i tensed up really hard, and crapped my pants. i was wearing a khaki skirt. my moms house isnt far from his parents house, so i had to make a pit stop at moms, explaining that i shat myself. she about died laughing.

Hi Haloinrverse,

How are you feeling these days? I hope you're feeling better.

hey pauline! lol. im fine. thanks for asking.
i still have one heck of a cold, but its getting a bit better.

I hope you feel better soon hon! (((Big hugs))) to you and stay nice and cosy.

Originally Posted by Haloinrverse thanks guys. hugs back atcha. :::hugs::: Aww Jas... you're still sick huh? That sucks... feel better soon !
Originally Posted by Tony(admin) hahahah lets all chime in about the ol' dirt road stains
OMG Tony!! You are too much!! LOL
I dont' have any "dirt road stain' stories... but i can give you a funny one about my b/f - if you promise not to say anything!! LOL Actually its a fart story... not a pooper story...

I guess after 4 years he feels 'comfortable' around me to let one rip every now & then (wonderful - I feel so blessed

Anyhoo... We were in PA last summer at a 4x4 show... and in the hotel room... had the A/C on because it was so hot out - well he wakes up... let out the mother of all farts - then gets up to look out the window - stands in front of the a/C - and I swear on my life.. STEAM was coming out the back of his underwear!!!!!!!!!
My god, I've never laughed so hard in my life... He had no idea b/c he couldn't see it - but when I told him his ass was steaming... he found it pretty funny too... Guys are so gross sometimes.. (sorry Tony!) LOLOL

OMG, worshipping mode kicking in! Hail to the beef god!!!


Originally Posted by NYAngel98

OMG Tony!! You are too much!! LOL
I dont' have any "dirt road stain' stories... but i can give you a funny one about my b/f - if you promise not to say anything!! LOL Actually its a fart story... not a pooper story...

I guess after 4 years he feels 'comfortable' around me to let one rip every now & then (wonderful - I feel so blessed

Anyhoo... We were in PA last summer at a 4x4 show... and in the hotel room... had the A/C on because it was so hot out - well he wakes up... let out the mother of all farts - then gets up to look out the window - stands in front of the a/C - and I swear on my life.. STEAM was coming out the back of his underwear!!!!!!!!!
My god, I've never laughed so hard in my life... He had no idea b/c he couldn't see it - but when I told him his ass was steaming... he found it pretty funny too... Guys are so gross sometimes.. (sorry Tony!) LOLOL

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) OMG, worshipping mode kicking in! Hail to the beef god!!!

I'm glad you liked it!!! He's lucky it didn't smell - because I'd have kicked him right outta that room in his steaming undies n' all!!!!

Originally Posted by NYAngel98

I'm glad you liked it!!! He's lucky it didn't smell - because I'd have kicked him right outta that room in his steaming undies n' all!!!!

Hmmm steaming but no smell, huh? Hmmm I considered this for the hall of fame, but not now!!
Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Hmmm steaming but no smell, huh? Hmmm I considered this for the hall of fame, but not now!! It may have, I dunno - I wasn't gonna get up in there & find out!
OMG, i'm LMAO at Jasmines 2nd pooper story & Janelle's boyfriend.. They are comical

thanks janelle.
omg, thats one of the funniest things ive ever heard. that is soooooo gross. lol. way back in the day, this super hot goth guy i had a crush on lit his ass on fire in front of me. lol. you know those really really tight black stretch jeans that goth guys wear? well, he was using my bettie page zippo to light his farts, and the seat of his pants totally caught on fire.

now, you may say to yourself that its strange to have a crush on a guy who lights his farts....we were bieng silly that night, and i think the thought of me more as a dorky little teenager. lol.


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