Thanks guys! This is for a Program Educator job at an essential health clinic. I graduated from college in 2002, and have been working part-time, so I've been trying to find a full-time job!
I'm not going to post exactly what I wrote, since I have over a page for each question! I'm going to try to sum up what I have, and any suggestions would be great
Question 1: Describe your training and experience developing, planning, and implementing a program or services. Be specific regarding the types of programs or services and your role in the process. Include names of employers and dates of employment.
My experiences: As a project for one of my college education classes, I arranged times to volunteer at a local high school. Working with 3 other college students, I met with the teacher to discuss lesson ideas and helped students in the class. I also presented a workshop at an international convention for Golden Key Honor Society. As Co-President of my school's chapter of Golden Key, I helped plan an induction ceremony.
Question 2: Describe your training and experience providing outreach and education to a community. Include in your response the topics, community involved, and your responsibilities.
My experiences: I was a tutor at a local middle school for 2 years, and attended a class for other tutors. For many of my college classes I worked with a group to lead class for today. I was also a health and sexuality peer educator (I held clinic sessions for other students, gave presentations to student groups). I have also worked as a tutor for the last year.
Question 3: Describe the work you have done with volunteers or as a volunteer. Briefly describe three ideas for enhancing volunteer satisfaction and retention.
My experience: I volunteered at a local YMCA for 2 years. I also helped recruit other volunteers. Again with Golden Key I helped organize events and recruit members. I want volunteers to have fun and get to know each other, recognize them for their work and show them how they are benefitting the community, and allow them to become group leaders.
Question 4: Describe your experience and training that provides you with the ability to work cooperatively with members of the public and coworkers, consisting of individuals or groups from diverse backgrounds or perspectives. List any specific course work taken or workshops attended regarding diversity issues.
My experience: I majored in English, with an emphasis on multicultural literature. I have taken literature courses focusing on different ethnic groups. I also took a class called "race and ethnicity in American schools" and a current issues in education course. I have lived and worked with people of different backgrounds.
Thanks for reading!